
Mastodon bot that toots made-up words
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 应用工具、 IM/聊天/语音工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 巫马曜文
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Wordbot - toots words

This mastodon bot will toot words from a list you provide.

The original bot, @wordbot@botsin.space, uses a list of words created by aneural network. You may use whatever words you want, but it's your job tosupply the words. This repository includes an example word file.

BONUS: If you have a list of new and unusual words, and want to make sure they'renot in the dictionary, I've provided a perl script called check.pl that youcan manually run on your word file. It compares the new words to an includeddictionary file. Feel free to replace the dictionary and repurpose thescript as you like.

If all you want to do is toot items from a list, you just need tootbot.py,toot_secrets.py, and words.txt.

Depends on: pawopy

The python module pawopy is required for tooting.

If you would prefer to make a twitter bot, you can edit tootbot.py to usetweepy instead.

How to toot

  1. Create a mastodon account for your bot (recommended: http://botsin.space )

  2. In the settings of that account:a. Go to Developmentb. Create an appc. Click on the app you just createdd. Copy the key, secret, and access token

  3. Add the key, secret, and access token to the toot_secrets.py fileincluded here.

  4. Run the tootbot.py script from the command line to make sure it does theright thing. (This provides some command line feedback and also makes ittoot its first toot!)

  5. Set up a cron job to run tootbot.py on your desired interval.



