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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 郑嘉年
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

ThingsBoard IoT Gateway

The Thingsboard IoT Gateway is an open-source solution that allows you to integrate devices connected to legacy and third-party systems with Thingsboard.

Thingsboard is an open-source IoT platform for data collection, processing, visualization, and device management. See What is Thingsboard? if you are new platform user.

What is ThingsBoard IoT Gateway?
Getting started with ThingsBoard IoT Gateway

What is ThingsBoard IoT Gateway?

Gateway features

Thingsboard IoT Gateway provides following features:

  • OPC-UA connector to collect data from devices that are connected to OPC-UA servers.
  • MQTT connector to collect data that is published to external MQTT brokers.
  • Modbus connector to collect data from Modbus servers and slaves.
  • BLE connector to collect data from BLE devices.
  • Request connector to collect data from HTTP API.
  • CAN connector to collect data using CAN protocol.
  • BACnet connector to collect data from devices using BACnet protocol.
  • ODBC connector to collect data from ODBC databases.
  • Custom connector to collect data from custom protocols.
  • Persistence of collected data to guarantee data delivery in case of network and hardware failures.
  • Automatic reconnect to Thingsboard cluster.
  • Simple yet powerful mapping of incoming data and messages to unified format.
  • Remote logging feature to monitor the gateway status through the ThingsBoard WEB interface.
  • RPC gateway methods to control and get information from the gateway through ThingsBoard WEB interface.


The IoT Gateway is built on top of Python, however is different from similar projects that leverage OSGi technology.The idea is distantly similar to microservices architecture.
The gateway supports custom connectors to connect to new devices or servers and custom converters for processing data from devices.
Especially, when we are talking about language APIs and existing libraries to work with serial ports, GPIOs, I2C, and new modules and sensors that are released every day.

The Gateway provides simple integration APIs, and encapsulates common Thingsboard related tasks: device provisioning, local data persistence and delivery, message converters and other.
For processing data from devices you also can write custom converter, it will receive information from device and send it to converter to convert to unified format before sending it to the ThingsBoard cluster.


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This project is released under Apache 2.0 License.

  • 1、下载安装包 wget https://github.com/thingsboard/thingsboard-gateway/releases/latest/download/python3-thingsboard-gateway.deb 2、使用apt安装网关 以软件包形式安装ThingsBoard网关并以守护程序身份运行,请使用以下命令: sudo apt install ./python3

  • isRemoteConfiguration = configuration.getRemoteConfiguration(); if (isRemoteConfiguration) { String label = configuration.getLabel(); log.info(“[{}] Initializing gateway”, configuration.getLabel()); T

  • 输入以下指令 systemctl status thingsboard-gateway 不仅要看tb-gateway的运行状态,也要查看其运行日志 在运行日志中|ERROR|信息会导致遥测数据无法发送到thingsboard平台,其是否报错与tb-gateway.yaml文件和 json文件相关。 此次出现的报错是在使用modbus_serias串口通信时: 报出 could not open p

  • thingsboard iot平台已经支持设备ota,官方提供的demo都是设备直连的情况。提供的网关python程序不能直接升级设备。研究了下,网关其实也是设备,可以将升级包下载到网关,由网关对设备进行升级。前提是这个网关程序是自己写的,或者更改官方的python程序。 1 网关先关注以下主题 v1/devices/me/attributes v1/devices/me/attributes/r

  • 官网的gateway是用python写的,这在imx6ull等资源有限的cpu上基本带不动。但又需要借助网关功能将设备信息传输到iot平台。这种情况就可以自己写个简单的功能替换掉python程序。 1 mqtt连接iot平台: mqtt_init(gateway.gwName, addr, gateway.gwAccessToken, NULL, (MSG_RECIVE_CALLBACL)gw_r

  • ThingsBoard Gateway:物联网设备数据采集与集成的强大解决方案 随着物联网(IoT)技术的不断发展,越来越多的设备被接入到网络中。这些设备产生的大量数据对于企业、工程师以及普通用户来说具有极高的价值。然而,如何将这些数据有效地采集、整合并处理,却成为了一个巨大的挑战。为了解决这一问题,我们向您推荐一个强大的开源项目——ThingsBoard Gateway,它为物联网设备数据的采集

  • ThingsBoard 是一个开源的物联网平台,用于数据收集、处理、可视化展示以及设备管理。ThingsBoard 使用行业标准物联网协议(MQTT,CoAP和HTTP)实现设备连接,并支持云和本地部署。 ThingsBoard结合了可扩展性,容错性和性能,因此您永远不会丢失数据。 ThingsBoard提供设备和资产的管理:通过丰富的服务器端API以安全的方式配置,监控和控制您的IoT实体。 定

  • 如何将-d'{“username”:“tenant@thingsboard.org”,“password”:“mypassword”}‘发送到REST API调用节点? 谢谢!

  • 我在更高级别的仪表板状态中有一个报警小部件,集中了来自许多不同设备的报警。我需要执行以下操作:单击报警行时,需要打开一个新的仪表板状态,其中包含报警发起人设备的详细信息。为此,我正在使用类型为“自定义操作”的小部件“在行单击”操作。下面是我使用的代码: 但是,当在小部件中单击一行时,什么都不会发生。 有人能帮我理解我做错了什么吗? 谢谢

  • 我在Google cloud platform上使用Kubernetes运行thingsboard.io/docs/user-guide/install/Kubernetes/#tbyaml-file。 问题是的协议是否应该是?

  • 问题内容: 他们似乎遇到了类似的问题,但该解决方案对我不起作用。 基本上,每当我尝试启动uWSGI进程时,我总是遇到Nginx 502错误的网关屏幕。按照文档中的说明,我有两个独立的uwsgi进程正在运行。 当我运行websocket uwsgi实例时,得到以下信息: 这告诉我uwsgi实例运行正常。然后我运行我的下一个uwsgi进程,并且那里也没有错误日志… 当我导航到浏览器中的页面时,带有ha