Jenkins Pipeline Shared library, that contains additional features for Git, Maven, etc. in an object-oriented manner as well as some additional pipeline steps.
import com.cloudogu.ces.cesbuildlib.*
in the example above) and not a branch such as develop
. Otherwise your build might change when the there is a new commit on the branch. Using branches is like using snapshots!You can get syntax completion in your Jenkinsfile
when using the ces-build-lib, by adding it as dependency to your project.
You can get the source.jar from JitPack.
With Maven this can be done like so:
<!-- Shared Library used in Jenkins. Including this in maven provides code completion in Jenkinsfile. -->
<!-- Keep this version in sync with the one used in Jenkinsfile -->
<!-- Don't ship this dependency with the app -->
<!-- Don't inherit this dependency! -->
Or you can download the file (and sources) manually and add them to your IDE. For example:
Current version is .
For further details and options refer to the JitPack website.
This is confirmed to work with IntelliJ IDEA.
Run maven from a local tool installation on Jenkins.
See MavenLocal
def mvnHome = tool 'M3'
def javaHome = tool 'OpenJDK-8'
Maven mvn = new MavenLocal(this, mvnHome, javaHome)
stage('Build') {
mvn 'clean install'
Run maven using a Maven Wrapper from the local repository.
Similar to MavenLocal
you can use the Maven Wrapper with a JDK from a local tool installation on Jenkins:
def javaHome = tool 'OpenJDK-8'
Maven mvn = new MavenWrapper(this, javaHome)
stage('Build') {
mvn 'clean install'
It is also possible to not specify a JDK tool and use the Java Runtime on the Build agent's PATH
. However,experience tells us that this is absolutely non-deterministic and will result in unpredictable behavior.
So: Better set an explicit Java tool to be used or use MavenWrapperInDocker.
Maven mvn = new MavenWrapper(this)
stage('Build') {
mvn 'clean install'
Run maven in a docker container. This can be helpful, when
The builds are run inside the official maven containers from Dockerhub
See MavenInDocker
Maven mvn = new MavenInDocker(this, "3.5.0-jdk-8")
stage('Build') {
mvn 'clean install'
It's also possible to use the MavenWrapper in a Docker Container. Here, the Docker container is responsible forproviding the JDK.
Maven mvn = MavenWrapperInDocker(this, 'adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:jdk-11.0.10_9-alpine')
stage('Build') {
mvn 'clean install'
Since Oracle's announcement of shorter free JDK support, plenty of JDK images have appeared on public container imageregistries, where adoptopenjdk
is just one option. The choice is yours.
The following features apply to plain Maven as well as Maven Wrapper in Docker.
If you run Docker from your maven build, because you use thedocker-maven-plugin for example, you can connect the docker socketthrough to your docker in maven like so:
stage('Unit Test') {
// The UI module build runs inside a docker container, so pass the docker host to the maven container
mvn.enableDockerHost = true
mvn docker:start
// Don't expose docker host more than necessary
mvn.enableDockerHost = false
There are some security-related concerns about this. See Docker.
If you would like to use Jenkin's local maven repo (or more accurate the one of the build executor, typically at /home/jenkins/.m2
)instead of a maven repo per job (within each workspace), you can use the following options:
Maven mvn = new MavenInDocker(this, "3.5.0-jdk-8")
mvn.useLocalRepoFromJenkins = true
This speed speeds up the first build and uses less memory.However, concurrent builds of multi module projects building the same version (e.g. a SNAPSHOT), might overwrite their dependencies, causing non-deterministic build failures.
The default is the default maven behavior /home/jenkins/.m2
is used.If you want to use a separate maven repo per Workspace (e.g. in order to avoid concurrent builds overwritingdependencies of multi module projects building the same version (e.g. a SNAPSHOT) the following will work:
mvn.additionalArgs += " -Dmaven.repo.local=${env.WORKSPACE}/.m2"
If you need to execute more steps inside the maven container you can pass a closure to your maven instance that islazily evaluated within the container. The String value returned are the maven arguments.
Maven mvn = new MavenInDocker(this, "3.5.0-jdk-8"),
echo "Outside Maven Container! ${new Docker(this).findIp()}"
mvn {
echo "Insinde Maven Container! ${new Docker(this).findIp()}"
'clean package -DskipTests'
If you specified one or more <repository>
in your pom.xml
that requires authentication, you can pass thesecredentials to your ces-build-lib Maven
instance like so:
mvn.useRepositoryCredentials([id: 'ces', credentialsId: 'nexusSystemUserCredential'],
[id: 'another', credentialsId: 'nexusSystemUserCredential'])
Note that the id
must match the one specified in your pom.xml
and the credentials ID must belong to a username andpassword credential defined in Jenkins.
ces-build-lib makes deploying to nexus repositories easy, even when it includes signing of the artifacts and usage ofthe nexus staging plugin (as necessary for Maven Central or other Nexus repository pro instances).
The most simple use case is to deploy to a nexus repo (not Maven Central):
by passing a nexus username and password/access tokenas jenkins username and password credential and
(or <snapshotRepository>
, examplesbellow) defined in your pom.xml
(then, no url
or type
parameters are needed)distributionManagement
> snapshotRepository
or repository
(depending on the version
) > id
)type: 'Nexus2'
(defaults to Nexus3) - as the base-URLs differ.This approach is deprecated and might be removed from ces-build-lib in the future.Maven.deployToNexusRepository()
. And that is it.Simple Example:
# <distributionManagement> in pom.xml (preferred)
mvn.useRepositoryCredentials([id: 'ces', credentialsId: 'nexusSystemUserCredential'])
# Alternative: Distribution management via Jenkins (deprecated)
mvn.useRepositoryCredentials([id: 'ces', url: '', credentialsId: 'nexusSystemUserCredential', type: 'Nexus2'])
# Deploy
Note that if the pom.xml's version contains -SNAPSHOT
, the artifacts are automatically deployed to thesnapshot repository (e.g. on Otherwise,the artifacts are deployed to the release repository (e.g. on
If you want to sign the artifacts before deploying, just set the credentials for signing before deploying, usingMaven.setSignatureCredentials()
passing the secret key as ASC file (as jenkins secret file credential) and thepassphrase (as jenkins secret text credential).An ASC file can be exported via gpg --export-secret-keys -a ABCDEFGH > secretkey.asc
.See Working with PGP Signatures
Another option is to use the nexus-staging-maven-plugin instead of the default maven-deploy-plugin.This is useful if you deploy to a Nexus repository pro, such as Maven Central.
Just use the Maven.deployToNexusRepositoryWithStaging()
instead of Maven.deployToNexusRepository()
When deploying to Maven Central, make sure that your pom.xml
adheres to the requirements by Maven Central, as statedhere.
Note that as of nexus-staging-maven-plugin version 1.6.8, itdoes seem to read the distribution repositories from pom.xml only.
That is, you need to specify them in your pom.xml, they cannot be passed by the ces-build-lib. So for example for mavencentral you need to add the following:
In addition you either have to pass an url
to useRepositoryCredentials()
or specify the nexus-staging-maven plugin in your pom.xml:
<!-- ... -->
Either way, the repository ID (here: ossrh
) and the base nexus URL (here:
) indistributionManagement
and nexus-staging-maven plugin
must conform to each other.
Summing up, here is an example for deploying to Maven Central:
// url is optional, if described in nexus-staging-maven-plugin in pom.xml
mvn.useRepositoryCredentials([id: 'ossrh', url: '', credentialsId: 'mavenCentral-UsernameAndAcccessTokenCredential', type: 'Nexus2'])
Note that the staging of releases might well take 10 minutes. After that, the artifacts are in therelease repository, which is later (feels like nightly)synced to Maven Central.
For an example see cloudogu/command-bus.
Similar to deploying artifacts as described above, we can also easily deploy a Maven siteto a "raw" maven repository.
Note that the site plugin does not provide options to specify the target repository via the command line.That is, it has to be configured in the pom.xml like so:
<name>site repository cloudogu ecosystem</name>
Where Site-repo
is the name of the raw repository that must exist in Nexus to succeed.
Then, you can deploy the site as follows:
mvn.useRepositoryCredentials([id: 'ces', credentialsId: 'nexusSystemUserCredential'])
parameter must match the one specified in the pom.xml
in the example above),nexusSystemUserCredential
).For an example see cloudogu/continuous-delivery-slides-example
Another option for deployToNexusRepositoryWithStaging()
and deployToNexusRepository()
is to pass additional mavenarguments to the deployment like so: mvn.deployToNexusRepositoryWithStaging('-X')
(enables debug output).
Available from both local Maven and Maven in Docker.
See Maven
It's also possible to use a GradleWrapper in a Docker Container. Here, the Docker container is responsible forproviding the JDK.
String gradleDockerImage = 'openjdk:11.0.10-jdk'
Gradle gradlew = new GradleWrapperInDocker(this, gradleDockerImage)
stage('Build') {
gradlew "clean build"
Since Oracle's announcement of shorter free JDK support, plenty of JDK images have appeared on public container imageregistries, where adoptopenjdk
is just one option. The choice is yours.
An extension to the git
step, that provides an API for some commonly used git commands and utilities.Mostly, this is a convenient wrapper around using the sh 'git ...'
Git git = new Git(this)
stage('Checkout') {
git 'https://your.repo'
/* Don't remove folders starting in "." like .m2 (maven), .npm, .cache, .local (bower), etc. */
You can optionally pass usernamePassword
(i.e. a String containing the ID that refers to theJenkins credentials) to Git
during construction.These are then used for cloning and pushing.
Note that the username and passwort are processed by a shell. Special characters in username or password might causeerrors like Unterminated quoted string
. So it's best to use a long password that only contains letters and numbersfor now.
Git annonymousGit = new Git(this)
Git gitWithCreds = new Git(this, 'ourCredentials')
annonymousGit 'https://your.repo'
gitWithCreds 'https://your.repo' // Implicitly passed credentials
- Removes all untracked and unstaged files.git.clean('".*/"')
- Removes all untracked and unstaged files, except folders starting in "." like .m2 (maven),.npm, .cache, .local (bower), etc.git.branchName
- e.g. feature/xyz/abc
- e.g. abc
- e.g. User Name <>
- e.g.
- e.g. User Name
- Last commit message e.g. Implements new functionality...
- e.g. fb1c8820df462272011bca5fddbe6933e91d69ed
- e.g. fb1c882
- true
if changes are staged for commit. If false
, git.commit()
will fail.git.repositoryUrl
- e.g.
- e.g. orga/repo
sh "git fetch --tags"
to make sure.
- e.g. 1.0.0
or empty if not setgit.isTag()
- is there a tag on the current commit?Note that most changing operations offer parameters to specify an author.Theses parameters are optional. If not set the author of the last commit will be used as author and committer.You can specify a different committer by setting the following fields:
git.committerName = 'the name'
git.committerEmail = 'an.em@i.l
It is recommended to set a different committer, so it's obvious those commits were done by Jenkins in the name ofthe author. This behaviour is implemented by GitHub for example when committing via the Web UI.
- Creates new Branch if it does not existgit.add('.')
git.commit('message', 'Author', 'Author@mail.server)
- uses default author/committer (see above).git.setTag('tag', 'message', 'Author', 'Author@mail.server)
git.setTag('tag', 'message')
- uses default author/committer (see above).git.fetch()
- pulls, and in case of merge, uses default author/committer (see above).git.pull('refspec')
- pulls specific refspec (e.g. origin master
), and in case of merge, uses the name and emailof the last committer as author and committer.git.pull('refspec', 'Author', 'Author@mail.server)
git.merge('develop', 'Author', 'Author@mail.server)
- uses default author/committer (see above).git.mergeFastForwardOnly('master')
git.push('origin master')
- pushes originNote: This always prepends origin
if not present for historical reasonse (see #44).That is, right now it is impossible to push other remotes.pull()
, fetch()
and pushAndPullOnFailure()
So it's recommended to explicitly mention the origin and not just the refsepc:
git.push('origin master')
because this will no longer work in the next major version.git.pushAndPullOnFailure('refspec')
- pushes and pulls if push failed e.g. because local and remote have diverged,then tries pushing againThe Docker
class provides the default methods of the global docker variable provided by docker plugin:
methods provided by the docker pluginwithRegistry(url, credentialsId = null, Closure body)
: Specifies a registry URL such as
, plus an optional credentials ID to connect to it.def dockerImage ="image/name:1.0", "folderOfDockfile")
docker.withRegistry("https://your.registry", 'credentialsId') {
withServer(uri, credentialsId = null, Closure body)
: Specifies a server URI such as tcp://
, plus an optional credentials ID to connect to it.withTool(toolName, Closure body)
: Specifies the name of a Docker installation to use, if any are defined in Jenkins global configuration.If unspecified, docker is assumed to be in the $PATH
of the Jenkins agent.image(id)
: Creates an Image object with a specified name or ID.docker.image('google/cloud-sdk:164.0.0').inside("-e HOME=${pwd()}") {
sh "echo something"
class has additional features see, args)
: Runs docker build to create and tag the specified image from a Dockerfile in the current directory.Additional args may be added, such as '-f Dockerfile.other --pull --build-arg http_proxy= .'
.Like docker build, args must end with the build context.def dockerContainer ="image/name:1.0", "folderOfDockfile").run("-e HOME=${pwd()}")
classThe Docker
class provides additional convenience features:
String findIp(container)
returns the IP address for a docker container instanceString findIp()
returns the IP address in the current context: the docker host ip (when outside of a container) orthe ip of the container this is running inString findDockerHostIp()
returns the IP address of the docker host. Should work both, if running inside oroutside a containerString findEnv(container)
returns the environment variables set within the docker container as stringboolean isRunningInsideOfContainer()
return true
if this step is executed inside a container, otherwise false
boolean isRunning(container)
return true
if the container is in state running, otherwise false
Example from Jenkinsfile:
Docker docker = new Docker(this)
def dockerContainer ="image/name:1.0").run()
waitUntil {
sleep(time: 10, unit: 'SECONDS')
return docker.isRunning(dockerContainer)
echo docker.findIp(dockerContainer)
echo docker.findEnv(dockerContainer)
methods provided by the docker pluginid
: The image name with optional tag (mycorp/myapp, mycorp/myapp:latest) or ID (hexadecimal hash).inside(String args = '', Closure body)
: Like withRun
this starts a container for the duration of the body, butall external commands (sh) launched by the body run inside the container rather than on the host. These commands run inthe same working directory (normally a Jenkins agent workspace), which means that the Docker server must be on localhost.pull
: Runs docker pull. Not necessary before run
, withRun
, or inside
.run(String args = '', String command = "")
: Uses docker run
to run the image, and returns a Container which youcould stop later. Additional args may be added, such as '-p 8080:8080 --memory-swap=-1'
. Optional command isequivalent to Docker command specified after the image()
. Records a run fingerprint in the build.withRun(String args = '', String command = "", Closure body)
: Like run
but stops the container as soon as itsbody exits, so you do not need a try-finally block.tag(String tagName = image().parsedId.tag, boolean force = true)
: Runs docker tag to record a tag of this image(defaulting to the tag it already has). Will rewrite an existing tag if one exists.push(String tagName = image().parsedId.tag, boolean force = true)
: Pushes an image to the registry after tagging itas with the tag method. For example, you can use image().push 'latest'
to publish it as the latest version in itsrepository.Docker.Image
: Returns the repo digests, a content addressable unique digest of an image that was pushedto or pulled from repositories.
If the image was built locally and not pushed, returns an empty list.
If the image was pulled from or pushed to a repo, returns a list containing one item.
If the image was pulled from or pushed to multiple repos, might also contain more than one digest.
: Setting this to true
provides the user that executes the build within docker container's /etc/passwd
.This is necessary for some commands such as npm, ansible, git, id, etc. Those might exit with errors withouta userpresent.
Note that Jenkins starts Docker containers in the pipeline with the -u parameter (e.g. -u 1042:1043
).That is, the container does not run as root (which is a good thing from a security point of view).However, the userID/UID (e.g. 1042
) and the groupID/GID (e.g. 1043
) will most likely not be present within thecontainer which causes errors in some executables.
Setting this will cause the creation of a passwd
file that is mounted into a container started from this image()
(triggered by run()
, withRun()
and inside()
methods). This passwd
file contains the username, UID, GID of theuser that executes the build and also sets the current workspace as HOME
within the docker container.
: Setting this to true
mounts the docker socket into the container.
This allows the container to start other containers "next to" itself, that is "sibling" containers. Note that this issimilar but not the same as "Docker In Docker".
Note that this will make the docker host socket accessible from within the the container. Use this wisely. Some people say,you should not do this at all. On the other hand, the alternative would be to run a real docker host in docker adocker container, aka "docker in docker" or "dind" (which is possible.On this, however, other people say, youshould not do this at all. So lets stick to mounting the socket, which seems to cause less problems.
This is also used by MavenInDocker
installDockerClient(String version)
: Installs the docker client with the specified version inside the container.If no version parameter is passed, the lib tries to query the server version by calling docker version
This can be called in addition to mountDockerSocket(), when the "docker" CLI is required on the PATH.
For available versions see here.
Docker Container that uses its own docker client:
new Docker(this).image('docker') // contains the docker client binary
.inside() {
sh 'whoami' // Would fail without mountJenkinsUser = true
sh 'id' // Would fail without mountJenkinsUser = true
// Start a "sibling" container and wait for it to return
sh 'docker run hello-world' // Would fail without mountDockerSocket = true
Docker container that does not have its own docker client
new Docker(this).image('kkarczmarczyk/node-yarn:8.0-wheezy')
.inside() {
// Start a "sibling" container and wait for it to return
sh 'docker run hello-world' // Would fail without mountDockerSocket = true & installDockerClient()
When analyzing code with SonarQube there are a couple of challenges that are solved using ces-build-lib'sSonarQube
In general, you can analyse with or without the SonarQube Plugin for Jenkins:
new SonarQube(this, [sonarQubeEnv: 'sonarQubeServerSetupInJenkins'])
requires the SonarQube plugin and theSonarQube server sonarQubeServerSetupInJenkins
setup up in your Jenkins instance. You can do this here:https://yourJenkinsInstance/configure
.new SonarQube(this, [token: 'secretTextCred', sonarHostUrl: 'http://ces/sonar'])
does not require the pluginand uses an access token, stored as secret text credential secretTextCred
in your Jenkins SonarQube(this, [usernamePassword: 'usrPwCred', sonarHostUrl: 'http://ces/sonar'])
does not require theplugin and uses a SonarQube user account, stored as username with password credential usrPwCred
in your Jenkinsinstance.With the SonarQube
instance you can now analyze your code. When using the plugin (i.e. sonarQubeEnv
) you can alsowait for the quality gate status, that is computed by SonarQube asynchronously. Note that this does not work for token
and usernamePassword
stage('Statical Code Analysis') {
def sonarQube = new SonarQube(this, [sonarQubeEnv: 'sonarQubeServerSetupInJenkins'])
sonarQube.analyzeWith(new MavenInDocker(this, "3.5.0-jdk-8"))
sonarQube.timeoutInMinutes = 4
if (!sonarQube.waitForQualityGateWebhookToBeCalled()) {
unstable("Pipeline unstable due to SonarQube quality gate failure")
Note that
requires a WebHook to be setup in your SonarQube server (globally orper project), that notifies Jenkins (url: https://yourJenkinsInstance/sonarqube-webhook/
will only work when an analysis has been performed in the current job,i.e. analyzeWith()
has been called and in conjuction with sonarQubeEnv
will fail your build, if quality gate is not passed.SonarQube
can only analyze using Maven
. Extending this to use the plain SonarQube Runner in future,should be easy, however.By default, the SonarQube
legacy logic, of creating one project per branch in a Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline project.
A more convenient alternative is the paid-version-only Branch Pluginor the sonarqube-community-branch-plugin, which hassimilar features but is difficult to install, not supported officially and does not allow for migration to the officialbranch plugin later on.
You can enable either branch plugins like so:
sonarQube.isUsingBranchPlugin = true
The branch plugin is using master
as integration branch, if you want use a different branch as master
you have to use the integrationBranch
parameter e.g.:
def sonarQube = new SonarQube(this, [sonarQubeEnv: 'sonarQubeServerSetupInJenkins', integrationBranch: 'develop'])
sonarQube.isUsingBranchPlugin = true
Note that using the branch plugin requires a first analysis without branches.
You can do this on Jenkins or locally.
On Jenkins, you can achieve this by setting the following for the first run:
sonarQube.isIgnoringBranches = true
Recommendation: Use Jenkins' replay feature for this. Then commit the Jenkinsfile
with isUsingBranchPlugin
An alternative is running the first analysis locally, e.g. with mavenmvn clean install sonar:sonar -Dsonar.organization=YOUR-ORG -Dsonar.login=YOUR-TOKEN
SonarCloud is a public SonarQube instance that has some extra features, such as PullRequestdecoration for GitHub, BitBucket, etc.ces-build-lib encapsulates the setup in SonarCloud
class.It works just like SonarQube
, i.e. you can create it using sonarQubeEnv
, token
, etc. and it provides the analyzeWith()
The only difference: You either have to pass your organization ID using the sonarOrganization: 'YOUR_ID'
parameterduring construction, or configure it under https://yourJenkinsInstance/configure
as "Additional analysis properties"(hit the "Advanced..." button to get there): sonar.organization=YOUR_ID
Example using SonarCloud:
def sonarQube = new SonarCloud(this, [sonarQubeEnv: '', sonarOrganization: 'YOUR_ID'])
sonarQube.analyzeWith(new MavenInDocker(this, "3.5.0-jdk-8"))
if (!sonarQube.waitForQualityGateWebhookToBeCalled()) {
unstable("Pipeline unstable due to SonarCloud quality gate failure")
Just like for ordinary SonarQube, you have to setup a webhook in SonarCloud for waitForQualityGateWebhookToBeCalled()
to work (see above).
If you want SonarCloud to decorate your Pull Requests, you will have to
See also Pull Request analysis.
Note that SonarCloud uses the Branch Plugin, so the first analysis has to be done differently, as described in Branches.
As described above, SonarCloud can annotate PullRequests using the SonarCloud Application for GitHub.It is no longer possible to do this from a regular community edition SonarQube, as theGitHub Plugin for SonarQube is deprecated.
So a PR build is treated just like any other. That is,
from env is created.BRANCH_NAME
from env.The Jenkins GitHub Plugin sets BRANCH_NAME
to the PR Name, e.g. PR-42
Provides the functionality to read changes of a specific version in a changelog that isbased on the changelog format on
Note: The changelog will automatically be formatted. Characters like "
, '
, \
will be removed.A \n
will be replaced with \\n
. This is done to make it possible to pass this string to a jsonstruct as a value.
Changelog changelog = new Changelog(this)
stage('Changelog') {
String changes = changelog.getChangesForVersion('v1.0.0')
// ...
You can optionally pass the path to the changelog file if it is located somewhere else than in the root path orif the file name is not
Changelog changelog = new Changelog(this, '')
stage('Changelog') {
String changes = changelog.getChangesForVersion('v1.0.0')
// ...
Provides the functionality to do changes on a github repository such as creating a new release.
Git git = new Git(this)
GitHub github = new GitHub(this, git)
stage('Github') {
github.createRelease('v1.1.1', 'Changes for version v1.1.1')
github.createRelease(releaseVersion, changes [, productionBranch])
- Creates a release on github. Returns the GitHub Release-ID.
(String) as name and tag.changes
(String) as body of the release.productionBranch
(String) as the name of the production release branch. This defaults to master
.github.createReleaseWithChangelog(releaseVersion, changelog [, productionBranch])
- Creates a release on github. Returns the GitHub Release-ID.
(String) as name and tag.changelog
(Changelog) to extract the changes out of a changelog and add them to the body of the release.productionBranch
(String) as the name of the production release branch. This defaults to master
.github.addReleaseAsset(releaseId, filePath)
(String) is the unique identifier of a release in the github API. Can be obtained as return value of createReleaseWithChangelog
or createRelease
specifies the path to the file which should be uploaded.pushPagesBranch('folderToPush', 'commit Message')
- Commits and pushes a folder to the gh-pages
branch ofthe current repo. Can be used to conveniently deliver websites. See Note:
branch is temporarily checked out to the .gh-pages
folder.A wrapper class around the Git class to simplify the use of the git flow branching model.
Git git = new Git(this)
git.committerName = 'jenkins'
git.committerEmail = ''
GitFlow gitflow = new GitFlow(this, git)
stage('Gitflow') {
if (gitflow.isReleaseBranch()){
- Checks if the currently checked out branch is a gitflow release branch.gitflow.finishRelease(releaseVersion [, productionBranch])
- Finishes a git release by merging into develop and production release branch (default: "master").
(String) as the name of the new git release.productionBranch
(String) as the name of the production release branch. This defaults to master
.Provides the functionality to handle pull requests on a SCMManager repository.
You need to pass usernamePassword
(i.e. a String containing the ID that refers to theJenkins credentials) to SCMManager
during construction.These are then used for handling the pull requests.
SCMManager scmm = new SCMManager(this, 'ourCredentials')
Set the repository url through the repositoryUrl
property like so:
SCMManager scmm = new SCMManager(this, 'https://hostname/scm', 'ourCredentials')
Each method requires a repository
parameter, a String containing namespace and name, e.g. cloudogu/ces-build-lib
scmm.searchPullRequestIdByTitle(repository, title)
- Returns a pull request ID by title, or empty, if not present.
(String) as the GitOps repositorytitle
(String) as the title of the pull request in question.readJSON()
step from thePipeline Utility Steps plugin.scmm.createPullRequest(repository, source, target, title, description)
- Creates a pull request, or empty, if not present.
(String) as the GitOps repositorysource
(String) as the source branch of the pull
(String) as the target branch of the pull request.title
(String) as the title of the pull request.description
(String) as the description of the pull request.scmm.updatePullRequest(repository, pullRequestId, title, description)
- Updates the pull request.
(String) as the GitOps repositorypullRequestId
(String) as the ID of the pull request.title
(String) as the title of the pull request.description
(String) as the description of the pull request.scmm.createOrUpdatePullRequest(repository, source, target, title, description)
- Creates a pull request if no PR is found or updates the existing one.
(String) as the GitOps repositorysource
(String) as the source branch of the pull
(String) as the target branch of the pull request.title
(String) as the title of the pull request.description
(String) as the description of the pull request.scmm.addComment(repository, pullRequestId, comment)
- Adds a comment to a pull request.
(String) as the GitOps repositorypullRequestId
(String) as the ID of the pull request.comment
(String) as the comment to add to the pull request.Example:
def scmm = new SCMManager(this, '', scmManagerCredentials)
def pullRequestId = scmm.createPullRequest('cloudogu/ces-build-lib', 'feature/abc', 'develop', 'My title', 'My description')
pullRequestId = scmm.searchPullRequestIdByTitle('cloudogu/ces-build-lib', 'My title')
scmm.updatePullRequest('cloudogu/ces-build-lib', pullRequestId, 'My new title', 'My new description')
scmm.addComment('cloudogu/ces-build-lib', pullRequestId, 'A comment')
provides a simple curl
frontend for groovy.
on the jenkins agents.HttpClient
with optional credentials ID (usernamePassword
provides get()
, put()
and post()
methodshttp.get(url, contentType = '', data = '')
(String) - set as acceptHeader in the requestdata
(Object) - sent in the body of the requesthttpCode
- as string containing the http status codeheaders
- a map containing the response headers, e.g. [ location: 'http://url' ]
- an optional string containing the body of the responsetry
HttpClient http = new HttpClient(scriptMock, 'myCredentialID')
// Simplest example
echo http.get('http://url')
// POSTing data
def dataJson = JsonOutput.toJson([
comment: comment
def response ='http://url/comments"', 'application/json', dataJson)
if (response.status == '201' && response.content-type == 'application/json') {
def json = readJSON text: response.body
echo json.count
Provides the functionality of the Jenkins Post-build Action "E-mail Notification" known from freestyle projects.
catchError {
// Stages and steps
Returns true
if the current build is a pull request (when the CHANGE_ID
environment variable is set)Tested with GitHub.
stage('SomethingToSkipWhenInPR') {
if (!isPullRequest()) {
// ...
Determines the email recipients:For branches that are considered unstable (all except for 'master' and 'develop') only the Git author is returned(if present).Otherwise, the default recipients (passed as parameter) and git author are returned.
catchError {
// Stages and steps
The example writes state changes email to ',123@xy.z' + git author for stable branches and only to git authorfor unstable branches.
Returns the hostname of the current Jenkins instance.For example, if running on http(s)://server:port/jenkins
, server
is returned.
Returns true if the build is successful, i.e. not failed or unstable (yet).
Returns a list of vulnerabilities or an empty list if there are no vulnerabilities for the given severity.
findVulnerabilitiesWithTrivy(trivyConfig as Map)
trivyConfig = [
imageName: 'nginx',
severity: [ 'HIGH, CRITICAL' ],
trivyVersion: '0.15.0',
allowList: [ 'CVE-XXXX-XXX', 'CVE-XXXX-XXX' ]
Here the only mandatory field is the imageName. If no imageName was passed the function returns an empty list.
If there are vulnerabilities the output looks as follows.
"VulnerabilityID": "CVE-XXXX-XXX",
"PkgName": "",
"InstalledVersion": "",
"Layer": {
"Digest": "",
"DiffID": ""
"SeveritySource": "",
"PrimaryURL": "",
"Description": "",
"Severity": "",
"CweIDs": [
"CVSS": {
"nvd": {
"V2Vector": "",
"V3Vector": "",
"V2Score": x.x,
"V3Score": x.x
"References": [
"PublishedDate": "",
"LastModifiedDate": ""
以下是 Android 手机 build.prop 信息,可同时在java 和 NDK获取到 下面是通过 adb shell cat /system/build.prop 获取到的信息 # begin build properties开始设置系统性能 # autogenerated by{通过设置形成系统信息}版本ID) ro.
# begin build properties 开始设置系统性能 # autogenerated by{ 通过设置形成系统信息} (版本ID) (版本号) (版本增量)
不管在后期的debug还是前期的开发中,都需要接触到很多property的信息,这里简单的枚举下在开发和调试中经常遇到的一些属性(以msm8909为栗子) build.prop是Android系统中的一个重要的属性文件,它记录了Android系统的一些重要的设置信息,类似於/etc中的文件,改变它能够取得一些意想不到的效果,但是也正是因为.prop的重要性, 如果不明白具体的含义的话,绝对不要随
# begin build properties开始设置系统性能 # autogenerated by{通过设置形成系统信息}版本ID)版本号)版本增量)
# begin build properties开始设置系统性能 # autogenerated by{通过设置形成系统信息}版本ID)版本号)版本增量)
import "go/build" Package build gathers information about Go packages. Go Path ¶ The Go path is a list of directory trees containing Go source code. It is consulted to resolve imports that cannot
Netlify Build runs the build command and Build Plugins and bundles Netlify Functions. Build Plugins extend the functionality of the Netlify Build process. You can install plugins made by others or wri
构建命令,用于渲染您的 md,并输出静态 html: mdbook build 它会尝试解析你的SUMMARY.md文件,以了解您的图书的结构并获取相应的文件. 为方便起见,渲染的输出将保持与源目录结构相同。因此,大型书籍在渲染时能保持结构化. build命令可以将目录作为参数,用作本书的根目录,而不是当前工作目录. mdbook build path/to/book 当你使用--open(-
NPM tasks Running your first build The build process is using Webpack, Babel and as well as npm tasks listed in package.json. During this process, the source located in the src/* directory are transfo
build 用法 Usage: docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | - Build a new image from the source code at PATH -f, --file="" Name of the Dockerfile (Default is 'PATH/Dockerfile') --force-rm=false
go build命令用于编译我们指定的源码文件或代码包以及它们的依赖包。 例如,如果我们在执行go build命令时不后跟任何代码包,那么命令将试图编译当前目录所对应的代码包。例如,我们想编译goc2p项目的代码包logging。其中一个方法是进入logging目录并直接执行该命令: hc@ubt:~/golang/goc2p/src/logging$ go build 因为在代码包logging