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Aggregator for issues filed against kubeadm
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 孟祯
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


The purpose of this repo is to aggregate issues filed against the kubeadm component.

NOTE: This issue tracker is not designated for providing support for kubeadm users.Please see the Support section below.

What is Kubeadm ?

Kubeadm is a tool built to provide best-practice "fast paths" for creating Kubernetes clusters.It performs the actions necessary to get a minimum viable, secure cluster up and running in a user friendly way.Kubeadm's scope is limited to the local node filesystem and the Kubernetes API, and it is intended to be a composable building block of higher level tools.

Common Kubeadm cmdlets

  1. kubeadm init to bootstrap the initial Kubernetes control-plane node.
  2. kubeadm join to bootstrap a Kubernetes worker node or an additional control plane node, and join it to the cluster.
  3. kubeadm upgrade to upgrade a Kubernetes cluster to a newer version.
  4. kubeadm reset to revert any changes made to this host by kubeadm init or kubeadm join.


Only log issues here if you think there is an actual bug or if you have a feature request.

The Kubernetes and kubeadm troubleshooting guides can be found here:

Support requests should be sent to the community support channels or #kubeadm on the k8s Slack:


Community, discussion, contribution, and support

Learn how to engage with the Kubernetes community on the community page.

You can reach the maintainers of this project at the Cluster Lifecycle SIG.


The full picture of which direction we're taking is described in this blog post.

Please also refer to the latest milestones in this repo.

Code of conduct

Participation in the Kubernetes community is governed by the Kubernetes Code of Conduct.

  • kubeadm 命令 1. kubeadm 概述 Kubeadm 是一个工具,它提供了 kubeadm init 以及 kubeadm join 这两个命令作为快速创建 kubernetes 集群的最佳实践。 2. 安装kubeadm 官方参考: kubeadm安装 3. kubeadm任务 kubeadm init 启动引导一个 Kubernetes 主节点 kubeadm join 启动引导一

  • 一:硬件环境准备 三台机器,计划为:一台master,两台node 序号    ip    系统版本    hostname    配置    节点类型 1    CentOS 7.4.1611 (Core)    master61    2核2G    Master 2    CentOS 7.4.1611 (Core)  

  • 转载自Kubernetes搭建之kubeadm-init探究 写在前面 如果想要搭建私有的k8s集群业界有几个方案,比如kubeadm、Rancher、Minikube等,其中前两种方式搭建的k8s集群可以在生产中使用,而Minikube搭建的集群则可以用来自己本地调试开发。 由于Kubeadm是官方推荐的集群搭建方式,因此想着把这个命令探索一番。一方面可以对这个命令更加了解,以后使用这个命令搭建

  • kubeadm安装kubernetes集群 环境 服务器类型 IP地址 安装组件 k8s-master(2C/4G,cpu核心数要求大于2) docker、kubeadm、kubectl、kubelet、cni k8s-node1 (2C/2G) docker、kubeadm、kubectl、kubelet、cni k8s-node2

  • 安装教程1 安装教程2

  • kubeadm升级 验证是否可以升级 # kubeadm upgrade plan [upgrade/config] Making sure the configuration is correct: [upgrade/config] Reading configuration from the cluster... [upgrade/config] FYI: You can look at th

  • Rancher方式: 二次封装的常用发行版【可视化构建kubernetes】 minikube方式: Minikube是一个工具,可以在本地快速运行一个单点的Kubernetes,适合尝试Kubernetes或日常开发的用户使用,但是不能用于生产环境。 kubeadm方式: Kubeadm也是一个工具,提供kubeadm init和kubeadm join,可用于快速部署Kubernetes集群。

  • kubernetes 是什么 kubernetes 是 google 在2014 年开源的一个容器集群管理系统 kuberetes 简述 k8s k8s 用于容器化应用程序的部署 扩展和管理 k8s 提供来了容器编排 资源调度 弹性伸缩 部署管理 服务发现等一系列功能 kuberetes 目标是让部署容器化应用简单高效 易用 kubernetes 特性 自我修复 在节点故障时重新启动失败容器,替换

  • Usage:   kubeadm [command] Available Commands:   alpha       Experimental sub-commands not yet fully functional.   completion  Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or zsh).   con



