Prepare your Node.js application for production!
This library provides common functionalities, like graceful error handling & shutdown, structured JSON logging and several HTTP middleware to make your application truly ready for modern containerised environments, like Kubernetes.
npm i @banzaicloud/service-tools
# or
yarn add @banzaicloud/service-tools
This library is written in TypeScript, refer to the published types or the source code for argument and return types.
Examples are available for Express and Koa frameworks. Check out the examples folder!
Catch uncaught exceptions and unhandled Promise rejections. It is not safe to resume normal operation after 'uncaughtException'.
const { catchErrors } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools')
// ...
// the handlers return a Promise
// the handlers are called in order
catchErrors([closeServer, closeDB])
// the error will be caught and the handlers will be called before exiting
throw new Error()
gracefulShutdown(handlers, options)
Graceful shutdown: release resources (databases, HTTP connections, ...) before exiting. When the application receives SIGTERM
signals, the close handlers will be called. The handlers should return a Promise
const { gracefulShutdown } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools')
// ...
// the handlers return a Promise
// the handlers are called in order
gracefulShutdown([closeServer, closeDB])
A pino structured JSON logger instance configured with config.pino
const { logger } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools'){ metadata: true }, 'log message')
// > {"level":30,"time":<ts>,"msg":"log message","pid":0,"hostname":"local","metadata":true,"v":1}
Globally overwrite the console
and use the logger provided by the library to print out messages.
const { logger } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools')
console.log('log message')
// > log message
console.log('log message')
// > {"level":30,"time":<ts>,"msg":"log message","pid":0,"hostname":"local","v":1}
Load configurations dynamically.
Uses the NODE_ENV
environment variable, with accepted values of: production, development, test.
const { config } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools')
// validates the NODE_ENV environment variable
// > { nodeEnv: 'production' }
Used by the provided logger. Uses the LOGGER_LEVEL
environment variables. The LOGGER_LEVEL
can be one of the following: fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace. LOGGER_REDACT_FIELDS
is a comma separated list of field names to mask out in the output (defaults to: 'password, pass, authorization, auth, cookie, _object'
const pino = require('pino')
const { config } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools')
const logger = pino(config.pino){ metadata: true, password: 'secret' }, 'log message')
// > {"level":30,"time":<ts>,"msg":"log message","pid":0,"hostname":"local","metadata":true,"password":"[REDACTED]","v":1}
Several middleware for the Koa web framework.
Koa error handler middleware.
const Koa = require('koa')
const { koa: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
const app = new Koa()
// this should be the first middleware
healthCheck(checks, options)
Koa health check endpoint handler.
const Koa = require('koa')
const Router = require('koa-router')
const { koa: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
// ...
const app = new Koa()
const router = new Router()
// the checks return a Promise
router.get('/health', middleware.healthCheck([checkDB]))
Koa Prometheus metrics endpoint handler. By default it collects some default metrics.
const Koa = require('koa')
const Router = require('koa-router')
const { koa: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
// ...
const app = new Koa()
const router = new Router()
router.get('/metrics', middleware.prometheusMetrics())
Koa request validator middleware. Accepts Joi schemas for body
(body parser required), params
and query
(query parser required). Returns with 400
if the request is not valid. Assigns validated values to ctx.state.validated
const joi = require('joi')
const qs = require('qs')
const Koa = require('koa')
const Router = require('koa-router')
const bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser')
const { koa: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
// ...
const app = new Koa()
const router = new Router()
const paramsSchema = joi
id: joi
const bodySchema = joi.object({ name: joi.string().required() }).required()
const querySchema = joi.object({ include: joi.array().default([]) }).required()
middleware.requestValidator({ params: paramsSchema, body: bodySchema, query: querySchema }),
async function routeHandler(ctx) {
const { params, body, query } = ctx.state.validated
// ...
// query parser
app.use(async function parseQuery(ctx, next) {
ctx.query = qs.parse(ctx.querystring, options)
ctx.request.query = ctx.query
await next()
Koa request logger middleware. Useful for local development and debugging.
const Koa = require('koa')
const { koa: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
// ...
const app = new Koa()
// this should be the second middleware after the error handler
// ...
Several middleware for the Express web framework.
Express error handler middleware.
const express = require('express')
const { express: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
const app = express()
// this should be the last middleware
healthCheck(checks, options)
Express health check endpoint handler.
const express = require('express')
const { express: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
// ...
const app = express()
// the checks return a Promise
app.get('/health', middleware.healthCheck([checkDB]))
Express Prometheus metrics endpoint handler. By default it collects some default metrics.
const express = require('express')
const { express: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
// ...
const app = express()
app.get('/metrics', middleware.prometheusMetrics())
Express request validator middleware. Accepts Joi schemas for body
(body parser required), params
and query
. Returns with 400
if the request is not valid. Assigns validated values to req
const joi = require('joi')
const express = require('express')
const { express: middleware } = require('@banzaicloud/service-tools').middleware
// ...
const app = express()
const paramsSchema = joi
id: joi
const bodySchema = joi.object({ name: joi.string().required() }).required()
const querySchema = joi.object({ include: joi.array().default([]) }).required()
middleware.requestValidator({ params: paramsSchema, body: bodySchema, query: querySchema }),
function routeHandler(req, res) {
const { params, body, query } = req
// ...
一、rng-tools 首先查看系统当前熵池的大小,如果发现熵池的size 不够,导致生成random的时候卡住,则可以通过安装rng-tools自动补充熵池 cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail 安装rng-tools yum install -y rng-tools 安装后启动rng-tools service rngd start
Ubuntu 16.04 安装 VMware Tools后开机启动卡在A start job is running for LSB_Windeal-CSDN博客 解决方案 网上查了很久没有找到解决方案, 重新执行sudo ./ 依然没有解决。 后来看到网上很多重装VMware Tools时,都有先卸载旧的VMware Tools, 决定试一下。 进入vmware-
Kubernetes Pod 是有生命周期的,它们可以被创建,也可以被销毁,然而一旦被销毁生命就永远结束。 通过 ReplicationController 能够动态地创建和销毁 Pod。 每个 Pod 都会获取它自己的 IP 地址,即使这些 IP 地址不总是稳定可依赖的。 这会导致一个问题:在 Kubernetes 集群中,如果一组 Pod(称为 backend)为其它 Pod (称为 fron
主要内容:什么是服务?,为什么使用服务?,$http 服务,$timeout 服务,$interval 服务,创建自定义服务,过滤器中,使用自定义服务AngularJS 中你可以创建自己的服务,或使用内建服务。 什么是服务? 在 AngularJS 中,服务是一个函数或对象,可在你的 AngularJS 应用中使用。 AngularJS 内建了30 多个服务。 有个 $location 服务,它可以返回当前页面的 URL 地址。 实例 var app = angular.module( 'myA
8.Service Service 与 Activity 一样,同为 Android 的基本构件。其不同在于 Service 只是应用程序在后台执行的一段代码,而不需要提供用户界面。 Service 独立于 Activity 执行,无需理会 Activity 的状态如何。比如我们的 Yamba 需要一个 Service 定时访问服务端来检查新消息。它会一直处于运行状态,而不管用户是否开着Activ
5.6.1.Service Android 的 Service 是个很重要的构件。它允许进程在后台运行,而无需用户界面。 这对 Yamba 自然是再合适不过,我们可以凭借它实现定期与服务端交互。在本节,你将学到Service中多线程的使用方法。
4.5.Service Service运行于后台,没有任何用户界面。它们就像是没有界面的Activity,适合于那些需要执行一段时间、但是不需要考虑如何显示的操作。比如,我们希望在移出音乐播放器的窗口之后,播放器依然可以播放歌曲。 Note: 不要将Android的Service与Linux的原生服务、服务器进程或者守护进程相混淆。它们都是操作系统的部件,要底层的多。 图 4.3. Service
webserver 被移动到另外一个项目中。 托管在:
JSService 和 Weex 实例在 JS Runtime 中并行运行。Weex 实例的生命周期可调用 JSService 生命周期。目前提供创建、刷新、销毁生命周期。 重要提醒: JSService 使用不当会导致内存增高或全局污染! JS 内置文件示例 service.register(SERVICE_NAME /* same string with native */, { /**