if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask @azjurabek on twitter.
Restaurant App is containerized polyglot microservices application that contains projects based on .NET Core, Golang, Java, Xamarin, React, Angular and etc. The project demonstrates how to develop small microservices for larger applications using containers, orchestration, service discovery, gateway, and best practices. You are always welcome to improve code quality and contribute it, if you have any questions or issues don't hesitate to ask in our gitter chat.
To getting started, simply fork this repository. Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.
The architecture proposes a micro-service oriented architecture implementation with multiple autonomous micro-services (each one owning its own data/db and programming language) and using REST/HTTP as the communication protocol between the client apps, and gRPC for the backend communication in order to support data update propagation across multiple services.
№ | Service | Description | Build status | Quality | Endpoints |
1. | Identity API (.NET Core + IdentityServer4) | Identity management service, powered by OAuth2 and OpenID Connect | dev | prod | ||
2. | Basket API (Golang + Redis) | Manages customer basket in order to keep items on in-memory cache using redis | dev | prod | ||
3. | Menu API (.NET Core, PostgreSQL) | Manages data for showing restaurant menu | dev | prod | ||
4. | Order API (Java + Spring Boot) | Manages customer orders | |
dev | prod |
Mobile | Build status | Release |
Android | Download Android | |
iOS | Download iOS |
Mobile app developed by Xamarin.Forms and supports iOS and Android, here you can find how to develop cross-platform mobile apps using C#.The example shows how to develop beautiful user interfaces using Xamarin.Forms and how to manage your code with Clean Architecture on the mobile side and get a clean, maintainable, testable code.
Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to our project!
cd json-serverjson-server --watch db.json -d 2000tns run android --emulator
本文向大家介绍一款app好坏的判断标准有哪些?请分别列出 1-3 个你认为「好」和「不好」的产品并说明。相关面试题,主要包含被问及一款app好坏的判断标准有哪些?请分别列出 1-3 个你认为「好」和「不好」的产品并说明。时的应答技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 1.基本要求:是否有明确的用户价值,即能否为某些用户在某些场景下的具体需求提供解决方案,如果可以,则具备用户价值。 2.基本要求:真实合
本文向大家介绍1、你经常用的地图APP是什么?2、分析一下现有地图app的五个优化方向。3、你理想中的地图是什么样的?相关面试题,主要包含被问及1、你经常用的地图APP是什么?2、分析一下现有地图app的五个优化方向。3、你理想中的地图是什么样的?时的应答技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 1、你经常用的地图APP是什么? 2、分析一下现有地图app的五个优化方向。 3、你理想中的地图是什么样
本文向大家介绍请说说你熟悉的三个垂直社区或金融类 APP,并简述其典型用户画像。相关面试题,主要包含被问及请说说你熟悉的三个垂直社区或金融类 APP,并简述其典型用户画像。时的应答技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 掌上生活、浦大喜奔、买单吧 金融类app用户首先是持有银行卡和智能手机的消费能力中上的人群。其次,因为金融类app多数被用于生活消费、查询账单、理财等功能,可以将其画像定义为:对理财和
本文向大家介绍某一天,你的上司给你看了下微信APP,然后对你说做一款一模一样的出来,请你讲讲应该怎么进行这个项目?相关面试题,主要包含被问及某一天,你的上司给你看了下微信APP,然后对你说做一款一模一样的出来,请你讲讲应该怎么进行这个项目?时的应答技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 1、先确认真实需求。向上司确认需求,为什么我们要做一款一模一样的产品,我们可以切入不同的用户群体,降低用户成本吗?还