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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 单于浩邈
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Kube-shell: An integrated shell for working with the Kubernetes CLI

Under the hood kube-shell still calls kubectl. Kube-shell aims toprovide ease-of-use of kubectl and increasing productivity.

kube-shell features

Auto Completion of Commands and Options with in-line documentation

Fish-Style Auto Suggestions

Command History

You can use up-arrow and down-arrow to walk through the history ofcommands executed. Also up-arrow partial string matching is possible.For e.g. enter 'kubectl get' and use up-arrow and down-arrow to browsethrough all kubectl get commands. You could also use CTRL+r to searchfrom the history of commands.

Fuzzy Searching

Server Side Auto Completion

Context information

Details of current context from kubeconfig is always readily displayedon the bottom toolbar. By pressing F4 button you can switch between theclusters and using F5 can switch between namespaces.

vi editing mode

Press ESC you have all key bindings (w: next word, b: prev word) to moveacross the words.


The kube-shell requires python andpip to install. You caninstall the kube-shell using pip:

$ pip install kube-shell


After installing kube-shell through pip, just run kube-shell to bring upshell.

At the kube-shell command prompt you can run exit or press F10 to exitthe shell. You can clear the screen by running clear command.

By default drop-down suggestion list also displays in-linedocumentation, you can turn on/off inline documnetation by pressing F4button.

You can run any shell command by prefixing command with "!". For e.g.!ls would list from the current directory.

Under the hood

Other than generation of suggestions all heavy lifting is done byPython's prompttoolkit,Pygments libraries.

A GO program is used to generatekubectl's commands, subcommands, arguments, global options and localoptions in json format. Kube-shell usesgenerated json file to suggest commands, subcommands, options and args.For server side completion kube-shell usesclient-pythonlibray to fetch the resources.


Kube-shell should be useful now. But given that its aim is to increaseproductivity and easy of use, it can be improved in a number of ways. Ifyou have suggestions for improvements or new features, or run into a bugplease open an issuehere or chatin the Gitter.


Kube-shell is inspired by AWSShell,SAWS and uses awesome Pythonprompttoolkit

  • kubectl Shell命令提示工具kube-shell 0、关于kube-shell Kube-shell是基于python-prompt-toolkit实现的,旨在提供Kubectl的易用性并提高生产力。 kube-shell提供如下功能: 自动完成kubectl命令及参数提示 颜色标示显示 历史命令自动填充 模糊查询,服务端自动完成 上下文信息及切换,F4切换集群,F5切换Namespac

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