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Homebridge plugin for Sony Bravia Android TVs
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 其他开源、 物联网
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 陆晓博
操作系统 跨平台
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homebridge-bravia-tvos v5

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This is a plugin for Homebridge to control your Sony Bravia Android TV.

This plugin supports following functions:

  • Power Switch
  • Inputs: like HDMI, Scart, CEC Devices, AV, WIFI etc.
  • Apps: like YouTube, Prime Video etc.
  • Channels: Your favourite channels as inputs.
  • Commands: IRCC commands s inputs.
  • Macros: A set of IRCC commands as one input
  • Remote control: native iOS Remote control with customizable commands
  • Authentication: with Pre-Shared Key or PIN
  • WOL: supports Wake on Lan
  • Speaker: with support for two types of speaker (switch or lightbulb)
  • Config UI X Custom UI

Installation instructions

After Homebridge has been installed:

sudo npm i -g homebridge-bravia-tvos@latest

Preparing the TV

TV Settings

  • Set Remote start to ON (Settings -> Network -> Remote Start)
  • Change Authentication to Normal and Pre-Shared Key (Settings -> Network -> IP Control -> Authentication)

If you want to use authentication with a Pre-Shared key, please do following steps:

  • Enter a Pre-Shared Key (Settings -> Network -> IP control -> Pre-Shared Key)

Configuration (Config UI X)

Bravia TV OS v5 supports a custom user interface making configuration via homebridge-config-ui-x even easier! Below you can see how easy it is to create, edit or delete a new TV for the config.json using the custom user interface. To use the custom user interface you need at least homebridge-config-ui-x v4.34.0!


Configuration (Manually)

If you cannot use the custom user interface or want to edit the config.json manually, you must first decide which authentication to use.

a) PIN Authentication (prefered)

To use the PIN authentication you must first install the bravia module:

sudo npm i -g @seydx/bravia@beta

And to be able to use the plugin with the PIN procedure your credentials must be created first.

You can create the credentials as follows:

bravia pair <host> -p 80 -n MyTV

  • <host>: The address of your Bravia TV (eg
  • -n: Name for the app (Default "@seydx/bravia")
  • -p: The port of your Bravia TV (Default: 80)

The PIN displayed on the TV must then be entered in the terminal. This will generate a credentials <Object> like this:

  name: 'MyTV',
  uuid: 'e9812807-d394-407c-b657-c89a98804e65',
  token: 'A0B9B9D7580466F22EE8F8EA148863774ACCE203',
  expires: 'Fr., 26 Apr. 2009 21:42:48 GMT+00:00'

Once that is done, you just need to add the "name" to your config.json under "appName". (E.g.: "appName": "MyTV")


  "active": true,
  "name": "Sony TV",
  "ip": "",
  "port": 80,
  "appName": "MyTV",

b) PSK Authentication

  • Enter a Pre-Shared Key (Settings -> Network -> IP control -> Pre-Shared Key)

You need to put the PSK entered in your tv also in your config.json.


  "name": "Sony TV",
  "ip": "",
  "psk": "MYPSK"

Example BASIC config

"bridge": {
"accessories": [
"platforms": [
     "platform": "BraviaOSPlatform"
     "name": "BraviaTVOS",
     "debug": true,
     "tvs": [
         "name": "Sony TV",
         "ip": "",
         "psk": "0000",
         "inputs": [
             "name": "Apple TV",
             "identifier": "Wohnzimmer",
             "source": "cec"
         "apps": [
             "name": "You Tube",
             "identifier": "YouTube"
         "channels": [
             "name": "Planet HD",
             "channel": 97,
             "source": "dvbt"
         "commands": [
             "name": "Volume Up",
             "value": "AAAAAQAAAAEAAABgAw=="
         "speaker": {
           "active": true,
           "output": "speaker",
           "increaseBy": 1,
           "reduceBy": 1,
           "accType": "lightbulb"

See Example Config for a FULL config example.

Options General

Attributes Required Usage Default Options
name X Name for the log. BraviaTVOS
debug Enables additional output (debug) in the log. false true, false
warn Enables additional output (warn) in the log. true true, false
error Enables additional output (error) in the log. true true, false
extendedError Enables additional output (detailed error) in the log. true true, false

Options TV

Attributes Required Usage Default Options
active X If enabled, the device will be exposed to HomeKit false true, false
ip X Sony TV IP Address.
mac Sony TV MAC Address.
port Sony TV Port. 80
psk X Either psk OR appName/appUUID must be setted. (see preparing the TV above)
appName X Either psk OR appName must be setted. (see preparing the TV above)
manufacturer Manufacturer name for display in the Home app. Sony
model Model name for display in the Home app. Bravia
serialNumber Serialnumber for display in the Home app. 00000000
refreshInputs When this option is enabled, the TV updates all inputs and saves them to disk for further use. (Please turn on the TV before restarting homebridge with this option enabled, otherwise the plugin will turn on the TV to also retrieve CEC inputs) false true, false
wol When this option is enabled, the plugin uses WOL instead of API to turn on the TV. (WOL must be enabled on the TV and a MAC address must be specified) false true, false
polling Polling interval in seconds. 10 (s)
sheduledRefresh Sheduled television (inputs) cache refresh in hours. 12 (h)

Options TV Inputs

Attributes Required Usage Default Options
inputs.name X Name for the channel to display in the tv inputs list
inputs.identifier X Exact name of the input (eg HDMI 1)
inputs.source X Type of the tv input cec, component, composite, hdmi, scart, widi

Options TV Apps

Attributes Required Usage Default Options
apps.name X Name for the application to display in the tv inputs list
apps.identifier X Exact name of the Application

Options TV Channels

Attributes Required Usage Default Options
channels.name X Name for the channel to display in the tv inputs list
channels.channel X Number of the channel as seen on the TV.
channels.source X Source of the channel. dvbt, dvbc, dvbs, isdbt, isdbc, atsct, isdbs, analog

Options TV Commands

Attributes Required Usage Default Options
commands.name X Name for the command to display in the tv inputs list
commands.value X IRCC code or name of the command to display in Apple Home. (eg. "AAAAAQAAAAEAAABgAw==" or "PowerOff")

Options TV Macros

Attributes Required Usage Default Options
macros.name X Name for the macro to display in the tv inputs list
macros.delay Delay between sending commands (in ms). (Default 1000ms)
macros.commands X An array of IRCC codes/names to perform the macro

Options TV Speaker

Attributes Required Usage Default Options
speaker.active X If enabled, the device will be exposed to HomeKit (as service within the TV accessory) false  true, false
speaker.output Audio output. speaker speaker, headphone, other
speaker.increaseBy Volume level to increse. (for Apple Remote) 1
speaker.reduceBy Volume level to reduce. (for Apple Remote) 1
speaker.accType Accessory type for the speaker. lightbulb switch, lightbulb

Options TV Remote

Attributes Required Usage Default Options
remote.command X IRCC command/name for choosen target

Options TV Display Order

Attributes Required Usage Default Options
displayOrder Array of catagories to sort inputs ["apps", "channels", "commands", "inputs", "macros"] apps, channels, commands, inputs, macros

Supported clients

This plugin has been verified to work with the following apps on iOS 14:

  • iOS 14
  • Apple Home
  • Homebridge v1.3.0+


You can contribute to this homebridge plugin in following ways:

  • Report issues and help verify fixes as they are checked in.
  • Review the source code changes.
  • Contribute bug fixes.
  • Contribute changes to extend the capabilities

Pull requests are accepted.


If you have any issues with the plugin or TV services then you can run homebridge in debug mode, which will provide some additional information. This might be useful for debugging issues. Just enable "debug" in your config and restart homebridge.


All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.

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