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Homebridge LG ThinQ


A Homebridge plugin for controlling/monitoring LG ThinQ device via their ThinQ platform.

⚠️ This library works with v2 of the LG ThinQ API. But some v1 device may backward compatible, please check table Implementation Status below.

A plugin for interacting with the "LG ThinQ" system, which can control new LG smart device. API used in this plugin is not official, I reversed from their "LG ThinQ" mobile app.


npm i -g homebridge-lg-thinq


✔️ I highly recommend using homebridge-config-ui-x to make these changes.

  1. Navigate to the Plugins page in homebridge-config-ui-x.
  2. Click the Settings button for the LG ThinQ plugin.
  3. Login to your LG account
  4. Add or remove which devices you want
  5. Restart Homebridge for the changes to take effect.

⚠️ Or you can manual edit it, add json below to config.json (not recommend)

  "auth_mode": "token",
  "refresh_token": "**refresh*token**",
  "username": "lg username",
  "password": "lg password",
  "country": "US",
  "language": "en-US",
  "thinq1": false,
  "devices": [
	  "id": "device id"
  "platform": "LGThinQ"
  • auth_mode Required. You can choose between token and account
  • refresh_token Required if auth_mode = token. The refresh_token of your account.
  • username Required if auth_mode = account. LG thinQ account
  • password Required if auth_mode = account. LG thinQ password
  • country Required. Your account country alpha-2 code, e.g., US for the USA.
  • language Required. Your account language code, e.g., en-US, vi-VN.
  • devices List devices you want add to homebridge, leave it empty if you want add all devices. See Wiki for specific device configuration.
  • thinq1 Optional. Enable thinq1 device support
  • platform value always LGThinQ

Obtain refresh_token logged by Google Account, Apple ID

$ npm install -g homebridge-lg-thinq

$ thinq auth -c US -l en-US
Log in here: xxxxxx <- visit this url and select Google or Apple ID to login
Then paste the URL where the browser is redirected: <- then paste redirected url here

Your refresh_token: <- your refresh_token will be displayed here

Device specific configuration

Implementation Status

Device Implementation Status Control Thinq2 Thinq1
Refrigerator ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Air Purifier ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Washer & Dryer ✔️ ✔️ �� ✔️ ✔️
Dishwasher ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ��
Dehumidifier ✔️ ✔️ ⚠️ ✔️ ��
AC ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

for more device support please open issue request.


If you have a question, please start a discussion or leave a message at discord channel.
If you would like to report a bug, please open an issue.

CLI Usage

$ thinq
Usage: thinq [options] [command]

  -c, --country <type>         Country code for account (default: "US")
  -l, --language <type>        Language code for account (default: "en-US")
  -h, --help                   display help for command

  login <username> <password>  Obtain refresh_token from LG account
  auth                         Obtain refresh_token from account logged by Google Account, Apple ID
  help [command]               display help for command
  • homebridge-lg-thinq-ac Homebridge plugin for LG ThinQ-enabled portable air conditioners. WARNING: This has only been tested with the LP1419IVSM model. This may not work with other models. Installation

  • 我现在正在阅读Twitter Bootstrap 3上的文档,并尝试按照本页所示的列顺序进行排序,但遇到了问题。我不明白为什么这样的代码可以工作,也不知道如何正确地指定设置。我想展示的是一个网格,它由长度5组成,另一个长度5,最后是一个长度2的网格。 所以我的是这样的: 我想实现的是,当它在桌面上查看时,上面的布局会显示出来,但是当它在移动设备上查看时,我想先显示第二个长度5的对象,然后是第一个长

  • 问题内容: 我现在正在阅读Twitter Bootstrap3上的文档,并试图按照此页面上所示的顺序进行排序,但遇到了麻烦。我不明白为什么这样的代码有效,也不知道如何正确指定设置。我要显示的是一个网格,它由长度5,另一个长度5和最后一个长度2网格组成。 所以我的是这样的: 我要实现的是,在桌面上查看时会显示上面的布局,但是在移动设备上查看时,我想先显示第二个长度为5的对象,然后是第一个长度为5的对

  • 我正在与亚洲开发银行和LG G6就OSX进行斗争。 > 尝试安装LG Mobile驱动程序。 尝试了MPT, PTP和其他模式没有运气 尝试启用USB连接 似乎没有什么工作,有人有同样的问题吗?? 谢谢

  • Homebridge 是一个轻量级 NodeJS 服务器,它模拟 iOS HomeKit API,提供从 HomeKit 到“智能家居”设备制造商提供的各种第三方 API 的基本桥接。通过 Homebridge 的桥接,可以让 Siri 控制完全不支持 HomeKit 的设备。 此外 Homebridge 支持插件。

  • 我的LG G3没有出现在android studio的设备列表中。我在使用Windows 10的华硕n550jk上。 我做过的事情: USB调试模式 媒体同步(MTP) 摄像机(PTP) Android SDK Manager中的谷歌USB驱动程序 LG USB驱动程序 交换USB端口 重新启动电脑 什么都没起作用。几个月前,我在Windows 8.1上使用了它,但我不记得我做了什么。