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Homebridge plugin for Doorbird
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 其他开源、 物联网
软件类型 开源软件
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homebridge-doorbird: Native HomeKit support for Doorbird

Homebridge Doorbird

HomeKit support for Doorbird video doorbells using Homebridge.

homebridge-doorbird is a plugin for Homebridge intended to give you an integrated experience with your Doorbird devices.

It provides the HomeKit video doorbell service which includes a camera, lock, motion sensor, and infrared light service, using the excellent homebridge-camera-ffmpeg as a foundation.

Requirements and Limitations

  • Audio requires a version of FFmpeg that is compiled with fdk-aac support. This plugin uses ffmpeg-for-homebridge to streamline this for some of the more common operating systems. Check the ffmpeg-for-homebridge page for details on supported operating systems. If your operating system isn't supported, you'll need to compile your own. Instructions are beyond the scope of this plugin.

  • Two-way audio is not currently supported. Currently, you can hear audio but the microphone capability is yet to be implemented.


If you are new to Homebridge, please first read the Homebridge documentation.

  1. Install Homebridge:
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge
  1. Install homebridge-doorbird:
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge-doorbird

Plugin configuration

Add the platform in config.json in your home directory inside .homebridge and edit the required fields. If you want audio support, make sure to enable the feature option Audio.Enable in options.

"platforms": [
    "platform": "Doorbird",

    "doorbirds": [
        "name": "Doorbird 1",
        "ip": "your.doorbird.ip",
        "username": "some-doorbird-user (or create a new one just for homebridge)",
        "password": "some-doorbird-password",
        "options": [ "Relay.Hide.2" ]

Feature Options

Feature options allow you to enable or disable certain features in this plugin. Feature options are specific to individual Doorbirds.

The feature options for individual Doorbird devices can be customized using the options setting inside the doorbirds section. Available options:

  • Relay.Hide.relay - hide the relay named relay from being shown in HomeKit.

Night vision

Depending on your situation, you might benefit from having Doorbird's infrared light (aka night vision) turn on automatically for you.

This plugin supports the ability to enable night vision when the doorbell rings, HomeKit requests snapshots, or stream video. Night vision can be always-on or activated only at night, for supported events.

See advanced configuration for more details, or configure this plugin using the Homebridge webUI.

Command line scripts.

If you would like to configure a command line to execute when motion or doorbell events are triggered, you can configure the cmdDoorbell and cmdMotion, respectively.

Relays and peripheral devices

The default for this plugin is to lock or unlock the first relay (relay 1) in the Doorbird. This is typically a door strike that unlocks a gate or door.

Support for multiple relays is available on some Doorbird devices and on the following optionally attached peripheral devices:

All relays found on the Doorbird, including peripherals, will be made available in HomeKit and the Home app.

You may switch the default relay using the primaryRelay configuration parameter.To identify the relay names to use, review the homebridge log and look for log entries beginning with detected relay: xxxx to identify the relay you wish to use by default.In the previous example, you would use "primaryRelay": "xxxx" to set xxxx as the default relay to unlock.

Example configuration for an alternate relay as the default:

"primaryRelay": "2"

Another example configuration using a relay on a peripheral device:

"primaryRelay": "gggggg@1"

The name of the controller or station can be found in the App:Administration > Peripherals > Device (6-letter word)

Advanced configuration (optional)

This step is not required. For those that prefer to tailor the defaults to their liking, here are the supported parameters.

"platforms": [
    "platform": "Doorbird",
    "name": "Doorbird",
    "videoProcessor": "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg",
    "ffmpegOptions": "-probesize 32 -analyzeduration 0 -fflags nobuffer -preset veryfast -refs 1 -x264-params intra-refresh=1:bframes=0",

    "doorbirds": [
        "ip": "your.doorbird.ip",
        "username": "some-doorbird-user (or create a new one just for homebridge)",
        "password": "some-doorbird-password",
        "name": "My Doorbird",
        "nightVisionDoorbell": false,
        "nightVisionSnapshot": false,
        "nightVisionVideo": false,
        "nightVisionDoorbellNight": false,
        "nightVisionSnapshotNight": false,
        "nightVisionVideoNight": false,
        "primaryRelay": "1",
        "cmdDoorbell": "/some/doorbell/script",
        "cmdMotion": "/some/motion/script",
        "options": [ "Relay.Hide.2" ]

Platform-level configuration parameters:

Fields Description Default Required
platform Must always be Doorbird. Yes
name Name to use for the Doorbird platform. No
videoProcessor Specify path of ffmpeg or avconv. "ffmpeg" No
ffmpegOptions Additional parameters to pass ffmpeg to render video. "-probesize 32 -analyzeduration 0 -fflags nobuffer -preset veryfast -refs 1 -x264-params intra-refresh=1:bframes=0" No
debug Enable debug logging. false No

doorbirds configuration parameters:

Fields Description Default Required
ip IP address of your Doorbird Yes
username Your Doorbird username. Yes
password Your Doorbird password. Yes
name Name to use for this Doorbird. No
nightVisionDoorbell Always activate night vision when the doorbell rings. false No
nightVisionSnapshot Always activate night vision when taking snapshots. false No
nightVisionVideo Always activate night vision when streaming video. false No
nightVisionDoorbellNight Activate night vision when the doorbell rings at night. false No
nightVisionSnapshotNight Activate night vision when taking snapshots at night. false No
nightVisionVideoNight Activate night vision when streaming video at night. false No
primaryRelay Default relay to use for doorbell lock events. "1" No
cmdDoorbell Command line to execute when a doorbell event is triggered. No
cmdMotion Command line to execute when a motion event is triggered. No
options Configure feature options for this Doorbird. No


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