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MiHome data extractor from iOS backups
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 其他开源、 物联网
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 丁曦
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


As an iOS user, when you are building a smart home with the homebridge, you have to fill inthe Homebridge config with some information like a local IP or token of your smart devices.In most cases, the miIO device library can help you to obtain thisinformation.

But sometimes miIO can't extract the token, or an extracted token is invalid, or even miIO does notsee the device at all. In this case, you can get the needed information from the Mi Home app by followingthis steps.But this instruction is complex. So here is mihome-backup-viewer! This tool executes these steps foryou. All you need is:

  • create an unencrypted iOS backup;
  • run mihome-backup-viewer and follow the instructions;
  • copy and paste the desired information.


Install it globally:

npm i -g mihome-backup-viewer

How to use

Just run this command and follow the instructions:



  • Make sure you creating an unencrypted backup.
  • Make sure your terminal app has permissions to read the backups folder: → System Preferences → Security & Privacy → "Privacy" tab → select "Full Disk Access",and then click the [+] plus button to add the terminal app.
  • homebridge-mihome-outlet XiaoMi outlet plugins for HomeBridge. Thanks for nfarina(the author of homebridge), OpenMiHome, aholstenson(the author of miio), all other developer and testers. Note: I have

  • Backup This project is welcoming new contributors and maintainers. See CONTRIBUTING.md Backup is a system utility for Linux and Mac OS X, distributed as a RubyGem, that allows you to easily perform ba

  • Areca Backup 是一个用Java编写的个人文件备份工具,支持压缩、打包、加密等操作。

  • Borg 是一个支持去重和压缩的备份程序,同时也支持认证加密。其主要目的是提供一个高校而且安全的方法用于数据备份。数据的去重技术用于每日增量备份。 使用方法: $ borg init /mnt/backup$ borg create /mnt/backup::Monday ~/Documents$ borg create --stats /mnt/backup::Tuesday ~/Documen

  • backup-utils 是 Github 企业备份工具,它包括一些备份和恢复工具。这些备份工具实现了多项用于备份主机的高级功能,还原功能也已经包括在 GitHub Enterprise 中。 特性: 通过两个简单的实用工具来完善GitHub Enterprise Server备份和恢复系统: ghe-backup和ghe-restore。 联机备份。在备份运行期间,无需将GitHub设备置于维护

  • Kiwi Backup 是一个在线备份系统(非开源),可以通过ADSL网络处理超过200G的数据,通过块提升和无重复的数据算法来降低网络带宽需求,可以通过SSL传输层进行数据传输。