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Homebridge plugin for theSensirion SHT3xhumidity and temperature sensor. Usesraspi-node-sht31 to communicatewith the device andfakegato-history to showhistorical data graphs when using theEve app.

Breakout boards for the SHT31 sensor are available fromAdafruit orAliExpress.

This plugin has only been tested on a Raspberry Pi, but should work with anyLinux-based board supported by i2c-bus,including C.H.I.P., BeagleBone, or Intel Edison.

Refer to your board documentation for instructions on how to enable the I²Cinterface and how to connect an I²C device. Thei2c-bus documentation also includes afew examples.


Node.js v10.17.0 or greater is required.

This assumes Homebridge has already been installed. If not, see theHomebridge documentationfor more information.

If using Homebridge Config UI X,search for the plugin in the Plugin screen, and install it from there.Otherwise you can install it manually with:

sudo npm install -g homebridge-sht3x


If using Homebridge Config UI X, you can configure the plugin from the graphicalsettings editor, or you can edit the config.json file manually.

The minimal accessory configuration, containing only the required attributes, isas follows:

"accessories": [
   "accessory": "SHT3x",
   "name": "SHT31"

See config-sample.json for a complete example.

The following table shows the list of supported configuration parameters:

Attribute Description
accessory Accessory name registered with Homebridge. Has to be "SHT3x".
name Display name for the sensor. Can be anything you want.
address I²C address of the sensor. Possible values are "0x44" (default) or "0x45".
bus I²C bus number. Defaults to 1. See the I²C setup section below.
interval Time interval at which the device is polled, in seconds (default: 60).
history Options passed to fakegato-history as an object. Empty by default.

I²C setup

The default I²C bus number (1) is used by most Raspberry Pi models, except forthe early Raspberry Pi Model B (256MB) which uses bus number 0. On otherboards, available buses typically are 1 or 2 on a C.H.I.P., 0, 1, or 2on a BeagleBone, and 1 or 6 on an Intel Edison. Consult your boarddocumentation for details, and run i2cdetect -l to list the available I²Cbuses.

The I²C address for the SHT3x sensor is 0x44 by default, or 0x45 if the ADDRpin is connected to logic high.

History persistence

By default Fakegato saves history to memory, and data not yet downloaded by theEve app will be lost when Homebridge is restarted. If you want to save historyto disk instead, add the following line to the accessory configuration:

"history": {"storage": "fs"}

Data will be saved in a JSON file located in the Homebridge directory(~/.homebridge by default unless redefined with the -U option) and read uponrestart. In order to store the file elsewhere, use the path option:

"history": {
  "storage": "fs",
  "path": "/tmp"

See theFakegato documentationfor more information on available options.

Also note that Fakegato will automatically average out measurements and log anentry to history every 10 minutes. If you want the history feature to workreliably and avoid holes in the data, interval should be no more than 600.


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