I want to take a bunch of HTML nodes and do following things with them
I crawled the web and I couldn't find a scrolling solution that does this obvious thing nice and easily - they were too complex to use.
This is a bit of a hack of another answer elsewhere on Stack Overflow, but I think answers your question. I have doctored it to my own needs of pumping "streamed" data from the server to a scrollable
有两个scrollable,但是当按a(#NewInitiatives)的翻页不会影响b(#UpcomingEvents),按b会影响到a. $("#NewsInitiatives").scrollable(); $("#NewsInitiatives a.next").click(function () { $(this).data("s
Providing a good user experience is the primary concern of a web designer. You may have visited web pages with many scrollable pages and going back to top of such web pages is a tedious task for the u
代码编辑器 CodeMirror 的轻量级 React 组件 demo @uiw-react.github.io/react-codemirror/ 特征: 自动依据 mode 设置加载 mode 文件。 疾速简朴的设置 API。 装置 npm install @uiw/react-codemirror --save 运用 import CodeMirror from '@uiw/reac
jquery ui tool 很酷,很实用,期盼已久的。 1. Tabs The most important UI widget on the web Minimal setup for tabs Naming the tabs 4 different skins with CSS Loading tab contents with AJAX Handling browsers back bu
Since we've had web browsers and JavaScript, we've been intent on replacing native browser functionalities, and for many reasons. Whether it be that the native look or functionality is ugly, doesn't w