FLVTool2是用来操作 FLV 的工具
其命令格式:flvtool2.exe [-ACDPUVaciklnoprstvx]... [-key:value]... in-path|stdin [out-path|stdout]
-A Adds tags from -t tags-file
-C Cuts file using -i inpoint and -o outpoint
-D Debugs file (writes a lot to stdout)
-H Helpscreen will be shown
-P Prints out meta data to stdout
-U Updates FLV with an onMetaTag event
-a Collapse space between cutted regions
-c Compatibility mode calculates some onMetaTag values different
-key:value Key-value-pair for onMetaData tag (overwrites generated values)
-i timestamp Inpoint for cut command in miliseconds
-k Keyframe mode slides onCuePoint(navigation) tags added by the
add command to nearest keyframe position
-l Logs FLV stream reading to stream.log in current directory
-n Number of tag to debug
-o timestamp Outpoint for cut command in miliseconds
-p Preserve mode only updates FLVs that have not been processed
-r Recursion for directory processing
-s Simulation mode never writes FLV data to out-path
-t path Tagfile (MetaTags written in XML)
-v Verbose mode
-x XML mode instead of YAML mode
"C:\Program Files\flvtool2.exe" -UPx "C:\in.flv" "C:\out.flv"
运行该批处理文件,将更新(修复)C:\in.flv文件的Meta Data,同时按照XML格式输出Meta Data信息内容到屏幕。
搭建某个服务器让我对linux服务器的视频播放需求的安装真是深有感悟啊! 1.首先编译安装嘛~必要的gcc,直接yum就ok了! #yum install gcc 2.在装flvtool2的时候需要用到RUBY,先装好,也是直接yum! #yum install ruby 3.做动态链接库路径 #grep /usr/local/lib /etc/ld.so.conf #echo
导读: 今天在flash coder列表里面看到了这样一个工具 FLVTool2 , 可以用来对flv文件进行再处理,尤其是遇到原始flv文件在flash里面无法正常播放的时候,可以用这个工具重新处理一下: 本文转自 http://jim.blueidea.com/archives/2006/1102.shtml