Inno Setup 是一个为 Windows 应用程序创建安装程序的工具。主要是用于在非 Windows 下使用 Wine 作为运行环境的程序。
释放图片到临时目录: [Files] Source: "tmp\*"; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy solidbreak; //释放需要的临时资源文件 PROCEDURE extract_temp_files(); BEGIN ExtractTemporaryFile('button_customize_setup.png'); ExtractTempo
Use innounp.exe to unpack setup.exe created by using Inno setup: for example, unpack all the files wrapped inside setup.exe to a folder named unpacked inside the current directory. >innounp.exe -x -
Prototype: procedure ExtractTemporaryFile(const FileName: String); Description: Extracts the specified file from the [Files] section to a temporary directory. To find the location of the temporary dir
免安装版(4.44MB): 安装版(4.6MB): 源代码(110KB): 1.5 相对于1.4.2的