SharpPDF is a C# library that implements different objects for the creation of PDF documents with few steps. It is created for .NET framework 1.1 and it can create 100% compatible PDF
最近因工作需要根据需求将一个图片插入到新建的PDF文件中,翻阅了不少资料,发现有ITestSharp,PDFSharp,经过比较发现PDFSharp效率比较不错,适合网站使用,如果有些需求搞不定考虑两者同时使用互补。 官网:
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var success = await browserViewModel.WebBrowser.PrintToPdfAsync(dialog.FileName, new PdfPrintSettings { MarginType = CefPdfPrintMarginType.Custom, MarginBottom = 10, MarginTop = 0, MarginLeft = 20,
PdfDocument _pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(); _pdfDoc.AddPage(new PdfPage()); XGraphics _g = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(_pdfDoc.Pages[0]); Bitmap _b = new Bitmap(
using CefSharp; using CefSharp.Wpf; namespace Common.Control { internal class CefSharpOpenPageSelf : ILifeSpanHandler { public bool DoClose(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser