安装方法:gem install yahoofinance
require 'yahoofinance'
# Set the type of quote we want to retrieve.
# Available type are:
# - YahooFinanace::StandardQuote
# - YahooFinanace::ExtendedQuote
# - YahooFinanace::RealTimeQuote
quote_type = YahooFinance::StandardQuote
# Set the symbols for which we want to retrieve quotes.
# You can include more than one symbol by separating
# them with a ',' (comma).
quote_symbols = "yhoo,goog"
# Get the quotes from Yahoo! Finance. The get_quotes method call
# returns a Hash containing one quote object of type "quote_type" for
# each symbol in "quote_symbols". If a block is given, it will be
# called with the quote object (as in the example below).
YahooFinance::get_quotes( quote_type, quote_symbols ) do |qt|
puts "QUOTING: #{qt.symbol}"
puts qt.to_s
# You can get the same effect using the quote specific method.
quotes = YahooFinance::get_standard_quotes( quote_symbols )
quotes.each do |symbol, qt|
puts "QUOTING: #{symbol}"
puts qt.to_s
end 最近要做的一个网站需要在首页显示世界各大股票交易场所的综合指数,于是搜集了点这方面的资料,今天把研究的结果放出来。 提供财经方面讯息,做的比较好的应该是Google财经和Yahoo财经了,综合考虑还是Yahoo的接口比较好用 API使用方法比较简单,举个例子: