Node module that converts Markdown files to PDFs.
The PDF looks great because it is styled by HTML5 Boilerplate. What? - Yes! Your Markdown is first converted to HTML, then pushed into the HTML5 Boilerplate index.html
. Phantomjs renders the page and saves it to a PDF. You can even customise the style of the PDF by passing an optional path to your CSS and you can pre-process your markdown file before it is converted to a PDF by passing in a pre-processing function, for templating.
npm install -g markdown-pdf --ignore-scripts
Note: elevated (sudo) permissions may be needed for npm install -g
Usage: markdown-pdf [options] <markdown-file-path>
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
<markdown-file-path> Path of the markdown file to convert
-c, --cwd [path] Current working directory
-p, --phantom-path [path] Path to phantom binary
-h, --runnings-path [path] Path to runnings (header, footer)
-s, --css-path [path] Path to custom CSS file
-z, --highlight-css-path [path] Path to custom highlight-CSS file
-m, --remarkable-options [json] Options to pass to Remarkable
-f, --paper-format [format] 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'Legal', 'Letter' or 'Tabloid'
-r, --paper-orientation [orientation] 'portrait' or 'landscape'
-b, --paper-border [measurement] Supported dimension units are: 'mm', 'cm', 'in', 'px'
-d, --render-delay [millis] Delay before rendering the PDF
-t, --load-timeout [millis] Timeout before the page is rendered in case `page.onLoadFinished` isn't fired
-o, --out [path] Path of where to save the PDF
can also be used programmatically:
var markdownpdf = require("markdown-pdf")
, fs = require("fs")
// --- OR ---
markdownpdf().from("/path/to/").to("/path/to/document.pdf", function () {
Pass an options object (markdownpdf({/* options */})
) to configure the output.
Type: String
Default value: process.cwd()
Current working directory.
Type: String
Default value: Path provided by phantomjs module
Path to the phantomjs binary.
Type: String
Default value: [module path]/markdown-pdf/css/pdf.css
Path to custom CSS file, relative to the current directory.
Type: String
Default value: [module path]/markdown-pdf/css/highlight.css
Path to custom highlight CSS file (for code highlighting with highlight.js), relative to the current directory.
Type: String
Default value: A4
'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'Legal', 'Letter' or 'Tabloid'.
Type: String
Default value: portrait
'portrait' or 'landscape'.
Type: String
Default value: 2cm
Supported dimension units are: 'mm', 'cm', 'in', 'px'
Type: String
Default value: runnings.js
Path to CommonJS module which sets the page header and footer (see runnings.js).
Type: Number
Default value: Time until page.onLoadFinished
event fired
Delay (in ms) before the PDF is rendered.
Type: Number
Default value: 10000
If renderDelay
option isn't set, this is the timeout (in ms) before the page is rendered in case the page.onLoadFinished
event doesn't fire.
Type: Function
Default value: function () { return through() }
A function that returns a through2 stream that transforms the markdown before it is converted to HTML.
Type: Function
Default value: function () { return through() }
A function that returns a through2 stream that transforms the HTML before it is converted to PDF.
Type: object
Default value: { breaks: true }
A config object that is passed to remarkable, the underlying markdown parser.
Type: String
Default value: default
Use remarkable presets as a convenience to quickly enable/disable active syntax rules and options for common use cases.
Supported values are default
, commonmark
and full
Type: Array
of remarkable-plugin Function
sDefault value: []
An array of Remarkable plugin functions, that extend the markdown parser functionality.
Type: Array
of optional remarkable syntax Strings
sDefault value: []
An array of optional Remarkable syntax extensions, disabled by default, that extend the markdown parser functionality.
Create a readable stream from path
and pipe to markdown-pdf. path
can be a single path or array of paths.
Create a readable stream from string
and pipe to markdown-pdf. string
can be a single string or array of strings.
Create and concatenate readable streams from paths
and pipe to markdown-pdf.
Create and concatenate readable streams from strings
and pipe to markdown-pdf.
Create a writeable stream to path
and pipe output from markdown-pdf to it. path
can be a single path, or array of output paths if you specified an array of inputs. The callback function cb
will be invoked when data has finished being written.
Create a concat-stream and pipe output from markdown-pdf to it. The callback function cb
will be invoked when the buffer has been created.
Create a concat-stream and pipe output from markdown-pdf to it. The callback function cb
will be invoked when the string has been created.
var markdownpdf = require("markdown-pdf")
var md = "foo===\n* bar\n* baz\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit"
, outputPath = "/path/to/doc.pdf"
markdownpdf().from.string(md).to(outputPath, function () {
console.log("Created", outputPath)
var markdownpdf = require("markdown-pdf")
var mdDocs = ["", "", ""]
, pdfDocs = (d) { return "out/" + d.replace(".md", ".pdf") })
markdownpdf().from(mdDocs).to(pdfDocs, function () {
pdfDocs.forEach(function (d) { console.log("Created", d) })
var markdownpdf = require("markdown-pdf")
var mdDocs = ["", "", ""]
, bookPath = "/path/to/book.pdf"
markdownpdf().concat.from(mdDocs).to(bookPath, function () {
console.log("Created", bookPath)
var markdownpdf = require("markdown-pdf")
, split = require("split")
, through = require("through")
, duplexer = require("duplexer")
function preProcessMd () {
// Split the input stream by lines
var splitter = split()
// Replace occurences of "foo" with "bar"
var replacer = through(function (data) {
this.queue(data.replace(/foo/g, "bar") + "\n")
return duplexer(splitter, replacer)
markdownpdf({preProcessMd: preProcessMd})
.to("/path/to/document.pdf", function () { console.log("Done") })
Example using remarkable-classy plugin:
var markdownpdf = require("markdown-pdf")
var options = {
remarkable: {
html: true,
breaks: true,
plugins: [ require('remarkable-classy') ],
syntax: [ 'footnote', 'sup', 'sub' ]
.to("/path/to/document.pdf", function () { console.log("Done") })
Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.
MIT © Alan Shaw
整个过程建议进入root用户操作,以避免一些问题 通过apt-get install npm安装的npm是0.1x版本的,太过旧,而且在root下无法启动,提示找不到npm 于是可以通过curl工具可安装最新版: sudo curl -L | sh 方法来自node.js官网 配置淘宝的源为npm的默认源 `sudo npm config
最近换 Ubuntu 系统, 打算使用 neovim, 这两天成功配置了vim-tex插件以及 markdown-preview 插件,道路比较坎坷,写篇博客将这两天安装的过程进行整理. 构建 neovim 的配置文件 切换到 ~/.config/nvim下查看有没有 init.vim配置文件,如果没有,请手动创建. 这个文件就是 neovim 的配置文件, neovim 的所有配置文件全部在这个
使用“windows+Atom+markdown-preview-enhanced”编辑笔记 安装说明 下载atom; 在atom中,先从file进入settings,选择install,搜索markdown-preview-enhanced,点击下载; 选择packages,搜索markdown-preview,禁用它; 在markdown-preview-enhanced下载完成后,点击ena
自定义js样式 packages | command palette | toggle (ctrl+shift+p或f3) 打开命令窗口,输入: Markdown Preview Enhanced: Customize Css 会打开less.css文件( 该文件在 ~/.mume/style.less ),输入样式即可。 导入外部文件 用法: @import "" <!-- @im
GitBook 預設使用 Markdown 標記語法。 本章內容僅快速呈現 Markdown 的基本語法與呈現,若需要更詳細的解說,英文資源可以看看發明人的說明: John Gruber's original spec 以及 GitHub 的擴充版 Github-flavored Markdown info page。 有不錯的中文詳解;想看看俗稱 GFM - GitHub
更改历史 * 2017-11-17 高天阳 标准化文档内容 * 2017-09-08 高天阳 初始化文档 1 历史、现状和发展 Markdown 是一个 Web 上使用的文本到HTML的转换工具,可以通过简单、易读易写的文本格式生成结构化的HTML文档。 Markdown 的目标是实现「易读易写」。 Markdown具有一系列衍生版本,用于扩展Markdown的功能(如
markdown 在模板中插入Markdown代码。使用{{# markdown}}Helper很简单: <div class="my-div"> {{#markdown}} # My heading Some paragraph text {{/markdown}} </div> 确保你的markdown缩进正确。
Markdown 是一个 Web 上使用的文本到HTML的转换工具,可以通过简单、易读易写的文本格式生成结构化的HTML文档。目前 Stackoverflow 网站使用这种格式来提问。 一个文本实例: ### Header 3 > This is a blockquote. > > This is the second paragraph in the blockquote. > > ## Thi
我试图在R降价报告中加入我的公司标志。输出必须为pdf。该徽标必须用作文件左上角报告每页的模板。例如,您可以使用此google徽标 我希望报告看起来像这样(很抱歉图像模糊,但我只想举个例子)- 左上角的谷歌标志应该出现在每个页面上。 我已经进行了搜索,但我所做的
来源:Markdown+Pandoc,打通写作界的任督二脉! Markdown+Pandoc,可以把自己的写作内容,变成世界上已有的任何格式的文件,包括很炫的slide,html5。没有人(或者我没看到)总结过这些内容,导致我走了很多弯路才最终打通任督二脉,特此纪念。 了解Markdwon以后,我的写作世界,只有它;看到Pandoc格式转换以后,对生成的slide和pdf羡慕的不行。那时,自己期望