ack is a code-searching tool, similar to grep but optimized forprogrammers searching large trees of source code. It is highlyportable and runs on any platform that runs Perl.
ack is written and maintained by Andy Lester (
ack requires Perl 5.10.1 or higher, and it requires theFile::Next module to be installed.
To check ack's dependencies, run this command in the shell:
perl -MFile::Next -E'say "ack is ready to build!"'
If everything is OK, you'll see:
ack is ready to build!
If your installation of Perl is outdated, you'll see an error like this:
Unrecognized switch: -Esay "ack is ready to build!" (-h will show valid options).
If you don't have File::Next installed, you'll see an error like this:
Can't locate File/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/andy/...
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
and you'll need to install File::Next yourself:
# Install File::Next dependency
perl -MCPAN -e install File::Next
If you've got a recent enough version of Perl and you have File::Nextinstalled, you can build ack.
# Required
perl Makefile.PL
make test
sudo make install # For a system-wide installation
# - or -
make ack-standalone
cp ack-standalone ~/bin/ack3 # For a personal installation
See the Community page.
Copyright 2005-2021 Andy Lester.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of theArtistic License v2.0.See also the file that comes with the ack distribution.
最近在跟一个CDN服务器端做对接,从CDN服务器下载内容(http),发现抓包出现非常多的Tcp Dup Ac k异常提示。通过查阅质料得知Tcp Dup Ack xxx#y 代表了数据段丢失 TCP 状态,xxx 代表数据丢失的位置, # 后代表第几次丢失 文。然后我我又再看了下报文,的确是2次数据发送到我这边,我才回复一次ack,但是这个ack回复是正确的。 对比对接其他地方
以RabbitMQ为例,默认情况下 RabbitMQ 是自动ACK机制,就意味着 MQ 会在消息发送完毕后,自动帮我们去ACK,然后删除消息的信息。 这样依赖就存在这样一个问题: 如果消费者处理消息需要较长时间,最好的做法是消费端处理完之后手动去确认。 1、配置文件: rabbitmq: host: ${} port: ${y
1、客户端给服务端发送带有ack请求的消息,服务端收到消息后发送ack响应消息给客户端 var userName = 'user' + Math.floor((Math.random()*1000)+1); function sendMessage() { var message = $('#msg').val(); $('#msg
kafka消息确认ack ACK:致谢 (ACK: Acknowledgment) An acknowledgment (ACK) is a signal that is passed among the communicating processes, computers, or devices to indicate acknowledgment, or delivery of the mes
1、什么是消息确认ACK。 答:如果在处理消息的过程中,消费者的服务器在处理消息的时候出现异常,那么可能这条正在处理的消息就没有完成消息消费,数据就会丢失。为了确保数据不会丢失,RabbitMQ支持消息确定-ACK。 2、RabbitMQ的ACK的消息确认机制。 ACK机制是消费者从RabbitMQ收到消息并处理完成后,反馈给RabbitMQ,MQ收到反馈后才将此消息从队列中删除。消息的ACK确认