
Run a query in psql and output the result as CSV.
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Run a query in psql and output the result as CSV.


Mac OS X

psql2csv is available on Homebrew.

$ brew install psql2csv


Grab the file psql2csv, put in somewhere in your $PATH, and make itexecutable:

$ curl > /usr/local/bin/psql2csv && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/psql2csv


psql2csv [OPTIONS] < QUERY
psql2csv [OPTIONS] QUERY


The query is assumed to be the contents of STDIN, if present, or the lastargument. All other arguments are forwarded to psql except for these:

-?, --help                 show this help, then exit
--delimiter=DELIMITER      set the field delimiter (default: ,)
--quote=QUOTE              set the quote delimiter (default: ")
--escape=ESCAPE            set the escape character (default: QUOTE)
--null=NULL                set the string representing NULL; printed without quotes (default: empty string)
--force-quote=FORCE_QUOTE  set the columns to be force quoted; comma separated list of columns or * for all (default: none)
--encoding=ENCODING        set the output encoding; Excel likes latin1 (default: UTF8)
--no-header                do not output a header
--timezone=TIMEZONE        set the timezone config before running the query
--search-path=SEARCH_PATH  set the search_path config before running the query
--dry-run                  print the COPY statement that would be run without actually running it

Example Usage

$ psql2csv dbname "select * from table" > data.csv

$ psql2csv dbname < query.sql > data.csv

$ psql2csv --no-header --delimiter=$'\t' --encoding=latin1 dbname <<sql
> FROM some_table
> WHERE some_condition
> LIMIT 10
> sql

Advanced Usage

Let's assume you have a script monthly_report.sql that you run every month.This script has a WHERE that limits the report to a certain month:

WHERE date_trunc('month', created_at) = '2019-01-01'

Every time you run it you have to edit the script to change the month you wantto run it for. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to specify a variable instead?

Turns out psql does have support for variables which you can pass to psql (andthus to psql2csv) via -v, --variable, or --set. To interpolate thevariable into the query you can use :VAR for the literal value, :'VAR' forthe value as a string, or :"VAR" for the value as an identifier.

Let's change the WHERE clause in monthly_report.sql file to use a variableinstead:

WHERE date_trunc('month', created_at) = (:'MONTH' || '-01')::timestamptz

With this change we can now run the query for any desired month as follows:

$ psql2csv -v MONTH=2019-02 < monthly_report.sql > data.csv

Further Help


Philipe Fatio (@fphilipe)

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  • FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-i386 + PostgreSQL8.3 # psql -d 数据库 -U 用户名 # \encoding # show client_encoding; # set client_encoding = 'iso-8859-1'; //CSV文件字符格式,不然会乱码 # COPY 表名 FROM 'CSV文件' WITH DELIMITER ',' NULL

  • 如果只是有一列数据,想把这列数据导入到数据库表里,表其他字段随意填的情况下,先将这列数据复制到excel表里,同时完善其他列。选择另存为CSV(逗号分隔) 登录数据库 psql -U 用户名 -d 数据库名 导入csv文件 copy 表名 from 'csv文件全路径' DELIMITER ',' csv header 如果导入csv文件报错 invalid byte sequence for e

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  • Linux的新手。 我正在尝试将.csv复制到PostgreSQL数据库中, copy address from 'address.csv' delimiter ',' csv header; 我在psql提示符下使用 cd [目录]命令来cd到文件的位置。 操作失败。 我已经关闭了该终端窗口,并在另一个终端窗口cd中找到了数据文件夹,然后从那里打开了psql命令。 \! pwd显示文件存储文件夹

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  • 需求:在代码中用pgsql命令导入海量csv数据。因为数据量大,用传统insert的方式效率太低,所以这里采用psql命令在登录下用 PostgreSQL 的 COPY 命令导入CSV, 命令如下,具体到每个命令的意思,大家自行搜索哈。 # 导入 copy from PGPASSWORD=123456 psql -h -p 5432 -d db_name -U postgre



