
A handy command line interface for gulp
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 SHELL
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 利俊迈
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


A handy command line interface for gulp


npm install --save-dev gulp-shell


const gulp = require('gulp')
const shell = require('gulp-shell')

gulp.task('example', () => {
  return gulp
    .src('*.js', { read: false })
    .pipe(shell(['echo <%= file.path %>']))

Or you can use this shorthand:

gulp.task('greet', shell.task('echo Hello, World!'))

You can find more examples in the gulpfile of this project.

WARNING: Running commands like gulp.src('').pipe(shell('whatever')) is considered as an anti-pattern. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE.


shell(commands, options) or shell.task(commands, options)


type: string or Array<string>

A command can be a template which can be interpolated by some file info (e.g. file.path).

WARNING: Using command templates can be extremely dangerous. Don't shoot yourself in the foot by passing arguments like $(rm -rf $HOME) .


type: string

default: process.cwd()

Sets the current working directory for the command. This can be a template which can be interpolated by some file info (e.g. file.path).


type: object

By default, all the commands will be executed in an environment with all the variables in process.env and PATH prepended by ./node_modules/.bin (allowing you to run executables in your Node's dependencies).

You can override any environment variables with this option.

For example, setting it to { PATH: process.env.PATH } will reset the PATH if the default one brings your some troubles.

type: string

default: /bin/sh on UNIX, and cmd.exe on Windows

Change it to bash if you like.


type: boolean

default: false

By default, it will print the command output.


type: boolean

default: false

Set to true to print the command(s) to stdout as they are executed


type: boolean

default: false

By default, it will emit an error event when the command finishes unsuccessfully.


type: string

default: Command `<%= command %>` failed with exit code <%= error.code %>

You can add a custom error message for when the command fails.This can be a template which can be interpolated with the current command, some file info (e.g. file.path) and some error info (e.g. error.code).


type: object

The data that can be accessed in template.


Details changes for each release are documented in the release notes.

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