
Simple Matlab package management inspired by pip
授权协议 MIT License
所属分类 应用工具、 科研计算工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 杜炫明
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Matlab Package Manager (mpm)

A simple package manager for Matlab (inspired by pip). Downloads packages from Matlab Central's File Exchange, GitHub repositories, or any other url pointing to a .zip file.


Download/clone this repo and add it to your Matlab path (using addpath). Now try the following:

  • mpm install [package-name]: install package by name
  • mpm uninstall [package-name]: remove package, if installed
  • mpm search [package-name]: search for package given name (checks Github and Matlab File Exchange)
  • mpm freeze: lists all packages currently installed
  • mpm init: adds all installed packages to path (run when Matlab starts up)

More details

Install a single package

Install (searches FileExchange and Github):

>> mpm install export_fig

When installing, mpm checks for a file in the package called install.m, which it will run after confirming (or add --force to auto-confirm). It also checks for a file called pathlist.m which tells it which paths (if any) to add.

Install a Github release (by tag, branch, or commit)

By tag:

>> mpm install matlab2tikz -t 1.0.0

By branch:

>> mpm install matlab2tikz -t develop

By commit:

>> mpm install matlab2tikz -t ca56d9f


>> mpm uninstall matlab2tikz

When uninstalling, mpm checks for a file in the package called uninstall.m, which it will run after confirming (or add --force to auto-confirm).

Search without installing:

>> mpm search export_fig

Install from a url:

>> mpm install covidx -u


>> mpm install export_fig -u

(Note that when specifying Github repo urls you must add the '.git' to the url.)

Install local package:

>> mpm install my_package -u path/to/package --local

The above will copy path/to/package into the default install directory. To skip the copy, add -e to the above command.

Overwrite existing packages:

>> mpm install matlab2tikz --force

Install/uninstall packages in a specific directory:

>> mpm install matlab2tikz -d /Users/mobeets/mypath

Note that the default installation directory is mpm-packages/.

Environments ("Collections")

mpm has rudimentary support for managing collections of packages. To specify which collection to act on, use -c [collection_name]. Default collection is "default".

>> mpm install cbrewer -c test
Using collection "test"
Collecting 'cbrewer'...
   Found url:
>> mpm init -c test
Using collection "test"
   Adding to path: /Users/mobeets/code/mpm/mpm-packages/mpm-collections/test/cbrewer
   Added paths for 1 package(s).

Installing multiple packages from file

>> mpm install -i /Users/mobeets/example/requirements.txt

Specifying a requirements file lets you install or search for multiple packages at once. See 'requirements-example.txt' for an example. Make sure to provide an absolute path to the file!

To automatically confirm installation without being prompted, set --approve. Note that this is only available when installing packages from file.

What it does

By default, mpm installs all Matlab packages to the directory mpm-packages/. (You can edit mpm_config.m to specify a custom default installation directory.)

If you restart Matlab, you'll want to run mpm init to re-add all the folders in the installation directory to your Matlab path. Better yet, just run mpm init from your Matlab startup script.


Because there's no standard directory structure for a Matlab package, automatically adding paths can get a bit messy. When mpm downloads a package, it adds a single folder within that package to your Matlab path. If there are no *.m files in the package's base directory, it looks in folders called 'bin', 'src', 'lib', or 'code' instead. You can specify the name of an internal directory by passing in an -n or internaldir argument. To install a package without modifying any paths, set --nopaths. Or to add all subfolders in a package to the path, set --allpaths.

Mpm keeps track of the packages it's downloaded in a file called mpm.mat, within each installation directory.

  • getIntraMPMs()为命名空间PU下的函数,用于获取帧内预测MPM,一共三类:传统预测MPM,多参考行预测MPM,ISP预测MPM,代码和相关注释如下 int PU::getIntraMPMs( const PredictionUnit &pu, unsigned* mpm, const ChannelType &channelType /*= CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA*/ )

  • MPM(多处理模块) Apache2.x一般常用的有prefork、worker、event三种常用的mpm,查看当前使用模块可以使用httpd -l prefork 这个多路处理模块(MPM)实现了一个非线程型的、预派生的web服务器,这个MPM具有很强的自我调节能力,只需要很少的配置指令调整。最重要的是将MaxClients设置为一个足够大的数值以处理潜在的请求高峰,同时又不能太大,以致需要使

  • MPM(多处理模块) Apache2.x一般常用的有prefork、worker、event三种常用的mpm,查看当前使用模块可以使用httpd -l prefork 这个多路处理模块(MPM)实现了一个非线程型的、预派生的web服务器,这个MPM具有很强的自我调节能力,只需要很少的配置指令调整。最重要的是将MaxClients设置为一个足够大的数值以处理潜在的请求高峰,同时又不能太大,以致需要使

  • Apache 2.X  支持插入式并行处理模块,称为多路处理模块(MPM)。在编译apache时必须选择也只能选择一个MPM,对类UNIX系统,有几个不同的MPM可供选择,它们会影响到apache的速度和可伸缩性。 Prefork MPM : 这个多路处理模块(MPM)实现了一个非线程型的、预派生的web服务器,它的工作方式类似于Apache 1.3。它适合于没有线程安全库,需要避免线程兼容性问题

  • MPM:multi-processing module 多路处理模块 1、prefork:多进程I/O模型,每个进程响应一个请求,CentOS 7 httpd默认模型 一个主进程:生成和回收n个子进程,创建套接字,不响应请求 多个子进程:工作 work进程,每个子进程处理一个请求;系统初始时,预先生成多个空闲进程,等待请求 Prefork MPM预派生模式,有一个主控制进程,然后生成多个子进程,每

  • 一、MPM   MPM(Multi-Processing Module (MPM) implements a hybrid multi-process multi-threaded server)是Apache2引入的一个概念,多路处理模块,就是将结构模块化。把核心任务处理作为一个可插拔的模块,即MPM,使其能针对不同的环境进行优化。在这个情况下,就诞生出了处理模式的概念。处理模式在Unix/Li