
Easy to use MATLAB wrapper for Python
授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
所属分类 应用工具、 科研计算工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 曾泳
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


With matlab_wrapper you can easily talk to MATLAB from your Pythonscripts and an interactive shell. MATLAB session is started in thebackground and appears as a regular Python object.

Info: matlab_wrapper is maintained, but not actively developed.



import matlab_wrapper
matlab = matlab_wrapper.MatlabSession()

Low level:

matlab.put('a', 12.3)
matlab.eval('b = a * 2')
b = matlab.get('b')


s = matlab.workspace.sin([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])

sorted,idx = matlab.workspace.sort([3,1,2], nout=2)

matlab.workspace.a = 12.3
b = matlab.workspace.b

More examples are in the examples directory!


  • Access MATLAB variables and functions from Python
  • Multiplatform: GNU/Linux, Windows, OS X
  • On-the-fly conversion between MATLAB and Numpy data types
  • Support for MATLAB's numerical, logical, struct, and cell arrays
  • Pure Python, no need to compile anything (matlab_wrapper talks toMATLAB engine library using ctypes)

For a complete list of changes including new features, check theNEWS.rst file.


First, make sure that you have the following components installed:

  • Python 2.7
  • MATLAB (various versions)
  • Numpy

Next, install matlab_wrapper using pip (the standard Python packageinstallation tool) from your command line:

pip install matlab_wrapper


Check our CONTRIBUTING guidelines.


If you are having issues, please let me know through the issuetracker: Try to avoidduplicates by searching previous issues, checking FAQ, andCONTRIBUTING.


matlab_wrapper was forked from pymatlab.

MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.


The project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 orlater (GPLv3+).

  • #!/usr/bin/python #-*-coding:utf-8-*- import matlab.engine import datetime from gradientdescent import gd import models.arima_matlab import models.narxnet_matlab def hour_predict_up(cellid, turnid, cu

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  • Blob Code .........\Blob Code .........\.........\GetCentriods.m .........\.........\GetFeatures.m .........\.........\GetGroundDistancesPCA.m .........\.........\HOGGradient.m .........\.........\Img

  • 先把matlab下载好。按照其他博客安装都默认安装到python2.7了,只有这篇能够python3.6 3.5 2.7 都能安装上,神奇。 我是ubuntu16.04+matlab2018b。    

  • function H = fhog( I, binSize, nOrients, clip, crop ) % Efficiently compute Felzenszwalb's HOG (FHOG) features. % % A fast implementation of the HOG variant used by Felzenszwalb et al. % in their work

  • make Building wrappers ... Building with 'g++'. Error using mex /home/fupeng/workspace/libelas-master/matlab/elasMex.cpp: In function ‘void mexFunction(int, mxArray**, int, const mxArray**)’: /home/fu

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