dPCA is a linear dimensionality reduction technique that automatically discovers and highlights the essential features of complex population activities. The population activity is decomposed into a few demixed components that capture most of the variance in the data and that highlight the dynamic tuning of the population to various task parameters, such as stimuli, decisions, rewards, etc.
D Kobak+, W Brendel+, C Constantinidis, CE Feierstein,A Kepecs, ZF Mainen, X-L Qi, R Romo, N Uchida, CK Machens
Demixed principal component analysis of neural population data
eLife 2016, https://elifesciences.org/content/5/e10989
(arXiv link: http://arxiv.org/abs/1410.6031)
This repository provides easy to use Python and MATLAB implementations of dPCA as well as example code.
Simple example code for surrogate data can be found in dpca_demo.ipynb and dpca_demo.m.
The Python package is tested against Python 2.7 and Python 3.4. To install, first make sure that numpy, cython, scipy, sklearn, itertools and numexpr are avaible. Then copy the files from the Python subfolder to a location in the Python search path.
Alternatively, from the terminal you can install the package by running:
$ cd /path/to/dPCA/python
$ python setup.py install
API of dPCA is similar to sklearn. To use dPCA, you should first import dPCA,from dpca import dPCA
then initialize it,dpca = dPCA(labels, n_components, regularizer)
then call the fitting function on your data to get the latent components Z,Z = dpca.fit_transform(X)
The required initialization parameters are:
More detailed documentation, and additional options, can be found in dpca.py.
Add the Matlab subfolder to the Matlab search path.
Example code in dpca_demo.m
generates surrogate data and provides a walkthrough for running PCA and dPCA analysis and plotting the results.
Email wieland.brendel@bethgelab.org (Python) or dmitry.kobak@neuro.fchampalimaud.org (Matlab) with any questions.
A big thanks for 3rd party contributions goes to cboulay.
这里先简单了解一下SAR/GMTI与DPCA 合成孔径雷达地面运动目标检测(SAR-GMTI)技术综合了高分辨对地观测和运动目标检测、测速定位能力,具有重要的军事和民用价值。SAR借助平台运动增加方位带宽以实现对地面静止目标高分辨成像,然而静止目标对GMTI而言就是杂波,杂波抑制后才可以提取动目标信号及其运动参数和位置信息。但由于SAR-GMTI 雷达安装在机载或星载平台上,平台自身的运动将
function [eigvectors, eigvalues, meanData, newTrainData, newTestData] = TDPCA(trainData, testData, height, width, numvecs) %2DPCA Two Dimensional Principal component analysis % Usage: %
【实例简介】 很好用的2DPCA人脸识别的matlab代码 【实例截图】 【核心代码】 2dpcamatlab └── 2dpcamatlab ├── CreateDatabase.m ├── orl_faces │ ├── README │ ├── s1 │ │ ├── 10.pgm │ │ ├── 1.pgm │ │ ├── 2.pgm │ │ ├──