
授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 应用工具、 文档/文本编辑
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 龙越彬
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


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About bridge.

bridge. is a powerful add-on editor designed to speed up your development process. It provides a rich editing experience for all files inside behavior and resource packs (JavaScript, JSON and functions) and provides a powerful work environment.Unleash the full power of add-ons with bridge. plugins and make use of rich auto-completions provided as you navigate through a file. Creating Minecraft add-ons was never more convenient!

Why you should use bridge.

Most importantly, JSON editors like bridge. guarantee that you cannot write invalid JSON.Additionally, "bridge." has a few more specific features which other editors do not offer:

  • bridge. interacts seamlessly with Minecraft and loads behavior packs and the corresponding resource pack from the com.mojang folder automatically
  • You cannot make general file structure mistakes because rich auto-completions guide you through the file
  • You do not need to study vanilla files and/or the incorrect documentation to find out which arguments a component has
  • Support for plugins: From custom components to searching files - bridge. plugins can do almost anything
  • Developing is generally significantly faster

Feature Overview


  • Create new behavior packs and resource packs with an automatically generated manifest.json
  • Create new behavior pack and resource pack files through a clear interface
  • Package your behavior pack with only one click


  • Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo and all other features you would expect
  • Powerful shortcuts to reorder and navigate through a JSON file
  • JSON displays as a tree structure with collapsible/expandable elements
  • Easily restructure JSON files by dragging elements
  • Beautiful syntax highlighting for all behavior pack files
  • Snippets to quickly import common JSON patterns
  • Error/Mistake detection and auto-fixes for some of them
  • bridge. file structure predictions for users who want to be even faster writing add-ons


  • Rich auto-completions for entities, loot tables, trades, spawn rules, biomes, items, blocks, recipes, features, feature rules, animations and animation controllers
  • Handcrafted: We don't trust the Minecraft documentation and you shouldn't either. That's why we wrote all suggestions by hand
  • Context sensitive: bridge. proposes different data depending on what you wrote before. Adding e.g. a new item results in the corresponding identifier being proposed whenever an item identifier is a valid value throughout your behavior and resource pack files.
  • Ability to switch between auto-completions for multiple Minecraft versions seamlessly: We always support the latest stable release and the latest beta

Debug Log Explorer

  • A perfect tool for browsing content errors
  • Filter by tags or search for specific logs
  • Open affected files with only one click


  • Easy access to the Minecraft add-on documentation
  • Shortcut to lookup specific components in your file
  • And more features to come...!


  • Tabs vs. Spaces: You get to choose how we generate your files
  • Light & Dark Theme with corresponding syntax highlighter
  • Set a default project to be opened automatically when you open bridge.
  • Choose between auto-completions for multiple Minecraft versions
  • Collection of options to customize your developing experience

JavaScript Plugins

  • Create new menus, windows and notifications
  • Add new file types
  • Hook into a variety of different events
  • Develop your own custom add-on syntax
  • Library with existing plugins to download from within bridge.

Projects created with bridge.

bridge. Plugins


You can read more on plugins here.


The repository for plugins can be found here. Feel free to add your plugins to it in order to make them appear inside the plugin menu.

Contributing to bridge.

Contributions to bridge. are welcome. However, please read the guidelines first.


JSON Editing

JSON errorsJSON editingJSON context menuJSON split-screen

Other Filetypes



bridge. settingsbridge. file creation


bridge. snippetsbridge. custom snippets

  • 1. from cv_bridge.boost.cv_bridge_boost import getCvType ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit_cv_bridge_boost) 原因:需要在python3下编译 cv_bridge 解决办法: 1.建立工作空间 mkdir -p

  • js调用IOS方法 bridge.callHandler 里面的回调函数不执行0 functionsetupWebViewJavascriptBridge(callback){if(window.WebViewJavascriptBridge){returncallback(WebViewJavascriptBridge);}if(window.WVJBCallbacks){returnwindo

  • 使用bridge.js的目的 andriod或者ios的app中嵌入h5的时候,需要创建数据的桥梁,方便两端获取到各自需要的数据或者事件调用使用的数据传递 bridge.js文件的封装 let isAndroid = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Android') > -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Adr') > -1; //这

  • react native 打包正式版安装后打开闪退,用AS抓取到如下错误 com.facebook.react.bridge.NoSuchKeyException: lineNumber at com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableNativeMap.getValue(

  • 一、安装开启libvirt bridge sudo dnf install libvirt.x86_64 libvirt-daemon.x86_64 sudo dnf install bridge-utils.x86_64 sudo systemctl start libvirtd sudo systemctl enable libvirtd 二、网络管理小程序 sudo dnf install

  • 问题内容: 曾经有一个JavaBeans ActiveX Bridge, 但是AFAIK在Java 8中不再受支持。 我想从Excel调用JavaBeans,那么Java 8的处理方式是什么? 问题是我在Excel VBA中使用的dll中打包了一些旧版JavaBean。我没有此bean的源代码。但是我仍然想在Java 8/9中使用它。这可能吗? 问题答案: 我使用Obba解决了问题:我使用Java

  • 问题内容: 我在Xcode 6 Beta 4中使用了带有完成处理程序的代码,而该处理程序在Xcode 6 Beta 5中不再起作用。 完整的方法… 错误是“ [UIView]”没有名为“ bridgeToObjectiveC”的成员 请注意,该方法中的CGFloat和Uint强制转换是针对beta 4的解决方法,我只是尚未更新该部分。 我认为处理完成处理程序的解决方案可能是将数组视为NSArray

  • 本文向大家介绍Linux bridge桥接两个VirtualBox虚拟网络的方法步骤,包括了Linux bridge桥接两个VirtualBox虚拟网络的方法步骤的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 这篇文章缘起于这段时间我对拆东墙补西墙这种工作方式的抱怨。 先是磁盘空间不够用,配发的电脑仅仅剩余12G的空间,不能外接硬盘,暂时也不能上传备份,相当于一台离线的机器吧。我却要完整编译一个4.19

  • 本文向大家介绍java设计模式之桥接模式(Bridge),包括了java设计模式之桥接模式(Bridge)的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 概述 桥接模式一种结构型模式,它主要应对的是:由于实际的需要,某个类具有两个或以上的维度变化,如果只是用继承将无法实现这种需要,或者使得设计变得相当臃肿。 桥接模式的做法是把变化的部分抽象出来,使变化部分与主类分离开来,从而将多个维度的变化彻底分离。最

  • 这对社区来说是一个非常普遍的问题,尤其是Kafka·斯特里姆齐桥的人,如果他们正在读这本书的话。 我正在尝试将他们的Apache Kafka HTTP Bridge作为POC来实现。文档非常糟糕,无法提供任何帮助。我真的只需要知道如何使用桥发布和使用来自Kafka主题的消息。我已经开始了这座桥,但由于文档缺乏基本示例,我不知道除此之外的任何事情。

  • 设计模式之Bridge Bridge定义 : 将抽象和行为划分开来,各自独立,但能动态的结合. 为什么使用? 通常,当一个抽象类或接口有多个具体实现(concrete subclass),这些concrete之间关系可能有以下两种: 1. 这多个具体实现之间恰好是并列的,如前面举例,打桩,有两个concrete class:方形桩和圆形桩;这两个形状上的桩是并列的,没有概念上的重复,那么我们只要使

  • 使用键盘快捷键可以迅速选择工具和执行命令,而无需使用菜单。键盘快捷键(如果可用)显示在菜单中的命令名称的右侧。 注意: 除了使用键盘快捷键以外,您还可以使用上下文相关菜单访问很多命令。上下文相关菜单显示与现用工具、所选对象或面板相关的命令。要显示上下文相关菜单,请右键单击 (Windows) 或按住 Ctrl 键单击 (Mac OS) 一个区域。 这不是完整的键盘快捷键列表。该表主要仅列出了菜单命

  • 使用 Adobe Bridge 中的“发布”面板,可以在 Adobe Portfolio 上作为项目轻松上传图像、音频文件和视频。上传了资源后,您可以前往 Adobe Portfolio 编辑项目的布局,然后发布您的网站。 将资源上传到 Adobe Portfolio 要在任何工作区中查看发布面板,请选择窗口 >“发布”面板。 在发布面板中,单击 Adobe Portfolio。 注意: 如果您还