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所属分类 应用工具、 文档/文本编辑
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Komodo Edit

This readme explains how to get started building, using and developing withthe Komodo Edit source base.

Whilst the main Komodo Edit source is hosted under this repository you may alsowant to check out the individual component/addon repositories underhttps://github.com/Komodo in case you only want to contribute to a specificcomponent. This'll save you some time and hassle as you would not have to buildthe entire project.

Table of Contents



You can download Komodo Edit here.


There are several ways to get in contact with the Komodo devs:

Github: https://github.com/Komodo/KomodoEdit

Forums: http://forum.komodoide.com/

Bug Tracker: https://github.com/Komodo/KomodoEdit/issues

IRC: irc://irc.mozilla.org/#komodo

Mailing Lists: komodo-discuss & komodo-beta & komodo-announce

Building Komodo

Note that these are simplified steps of the building process, for a more in-depthguide check (outdated) BUILD.txt.

Building on Windows


  • Python >=2.7 (but not Python 3.x yet). You can install ActivePython from here.

  • Visual C++ 11.0 (aka Visual Studio 2012) and all the Platform SDKs forbuilding Mozilla with vc11 as described here.

  • Install version 1.9.0 of "MozillaBuild-$ver.exe" package into the default dir(i.e. "C:\mozilla-build").

    • Once installed remove the wget and hg directories
    • Download version 2.2.0 and install it to a temp directory, then copy the wget directory from 2.2 to the 1.9 install directory
  • Install the Perl <= 5.22

  • Install Mercurial

See http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Windows_Build_Prerequisites formore details on Windows build prerequisites. However, following the abovesteps is meant to be sufficient to get Komodo building.

Building Steps

  • Checkout Komodo Edit: git clone https://github.com/Komodo/KomodoEdit.git

  • Using the command line, enter your checkout directory and run:

     cd mozilla
     python build.py configure -k 11.10
     python build.py distclean all

    This will configure and build mozilla and can take anywhere from 30 minutesto several hours to complete (depending on your specs). For most modernmachines it should be about an hour.

  • After mozilla is built successfully go back to the main repo directory andbuild komodo:

     cd ..
     set PATH=util\black;%PATH%
     bk configure -V 11.10.0-devel # --without-binary-dbgp-clients
     bk build

    This should take significantly less time than building Mozilla.

  • Once the build has completed you can simply run Komodo by executing bk run

Upon making any modifications to the source you will again have to run bk build,or simply bk build && bk run to quickly get back into Komodo. Subsequent buildsshould be a lot faster as much of the compiled data is cached.

Building on Mac

Mac Prerequisites

  • Python >=2.7 (but not Python 3.x yet). You caninstall ActivePython from here.

    If you prefer the Python builds from python.org should be sufficient as well.

  • Xcode 6.4(SDK 10.9 & 10.10). For 8.0 see below. You can get version 6.4 from the developer downloads site.

  • MacOSX10.10.sdk or older

  • IDE ONLY SDK 10.8 for Code Intel. Can be found in Xcode 5.1.1

  • If you have/need other versions of Xcode installed then you can use xcode-select to change the active Xcode:

    $ xcode-select -s /Path/To/Xcode\ 6.4.app/

  • Xcode Command Line Tools.

    Open the Xcode preferences, then in the Downloads tab, select and install theCommand Line Tools.

  • MacPorts. (Note: Fink may work too but most of thebuild testing and instructions is done with MacPorts.)

  • autoconf v2.13. Once you have MacPorts installed you need just runsudo port install autoconf213

  • ensure you are using clang or gcc 4.2 (or higher)

See http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Mac_OS_X_Build_Prerequisitesfor more details on Mac OS X build prerequisites. However, following theabove steps is meant to be sufficient to get Komodo building.

Xcode 8 Prerequisites

Officially we do not support Xcode 8, however it is possible to build Komodounder Xcode 8 using a new extra steps.

  • Copy over the 10.8 and 10.9 SDK's from an older XCode install, they should be in:Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/macOSX.platform/
  • Set MinimumSDKVersion to 10.9 in Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/macOSX.platform/Info.plist
  • Ensure you are using ccache 3.1 (later versions will break)
  • Configure Mozilla with --options=disable-webrtc

Building Steps

  • Checkout Komodo Edit: git clone https://github.com/Komodo/KomodoEdit.git

  • Using the terminal, enter your checkout directory and run:

     1) cd komodo/mozilla
     2) python build.py configure -k 10.10
     3) python build.py all
        python build.py distclean all
        (to delete and re-download Mozilla again)

    This will configure and build mozilla and can take anywhere from 30 minutesto several hours to complete (depending on your specs). For most modernmachines it should be about an hour.

** Building with GCC 5.0 and higher **

If you are using GCC 5.0, the build may fail. If it does,there are changes that need to be made to two files. However, if you are runninga clean build for the first time, you need to allow this part of the build to failfirst. This is because the files are in the Mozilla part of the build which has tobe downloaded first.

These files need to be changed:
  1. /KomodoEdit/mozilla/build/moz3500-ko9.10/mozilla/configure.in
 @@ -7509,8 +7509,6 @@
 eval $(CXX="$CXX" HOST_CXX="$HOST_CXX" $PYTHON -m mozbuild.configure.libstdcxx)

See bug #1153109 in Mozilla's bug database for more information.

  1. /KomodoEdit/mozilla/build/moz3500-ko9.10/mozilla/dom/ipc/Blob.cpp
@@ -3874,7 +3874,7 @@
// Make sure we can't overflow.
if (NS_WARN_IF(UINT64_MAX - aLength < aStart)) {
-    return nullptr;
+    return false;

ErrorResult errorResult;
@@ -3883,7 +3883,7 @@

if (NS_WARN_IF(aStart + aLength > blobLength)) {
-    return nullptr;
+    return false;

See Porting to GCC 5 for more information.

  • After mozilla is built successfully, go back to the main repo directory andbuild komodo:

     cd ..
     export PATH=`pwd`/util/black:$PATH   # Komodo's "bk" build tool
     git submodule update --init
     git submodule update --remote
     bk configure -V 10.10.0-devel
     bk build

    This should take significantly less time than building Mozilla.

  • Once the build has completed you can simply run Komodo by executing bk run

Upon making any modifications to the source you will again have to run bk build,or simply bk build && bk run to quickly get back into Komodo. Subsequent buildsshould be a lot faster as much of the compiled data is cached.

Building on Linux

Linux instructions

Building with Docker

The easiest way to get started is to use our Docker image, this will basicallyprovide you with a Ubuntu 12.04 based build of Komodo.

After cloning the repository simply navigate into {repo}/util/docker and checkout ./docklet --help

To use the docker image you need to of course have Docker installed as well ashave X11 forwarding enabled in your SSH client (should work by default on mostlinux distros).

Prepare Docker Image

  • Build the docker image: ./util/docker/docklet image
  • Start your container: ./util/docker/docklet start
  • SSH into your container to start working: ./util/docker/docklet ssh

Your project files will be mounted at /komodo/dev

NOTE - if you are updating from a previous version where your project files wereat /root/komodo you will need to fix permissions on your Komodo project andprofile folders. Ie:

chown -R <my-username>:<my-group> <my-project-location>
chown -R <my-username>:<my-group> ~/.komodoide

You will also need to redo your build (distclean mozilla and komodo).

Building Steps

Once your image is prepared you can follow the building steps for linux asdescribed above. You will be running these from the docker container, so ssh intoit using the command above and then run the commands from /komodo/dev


Once your build is complete you exit out of the container (exit) and can thenrun Komodo with

./util/docker/docklet run

To rebuild Komodo (after making changes) and run it again you can use

./util/docker/docklet build run

If your changes are not being reflected you may need to clean your build, to dothis use

./util/docker/docklet clean

Or to do it all at once (clean, build and run)

./util/docker/docklet clean build run

Building Complications

If any errors occur during your first built-time and it is not obvious how to fixthe issue on your own please refer to the Feedback section on how to get in contactwith us.

Note that if building complications arise after you updated your repo with the latestchanges you might need to clear your local cache as it might be conflicting with thenew changes, to do this run bk distclean before running your build steps.


Build a single piece

Sometimes bk build is too much and bk build quick isn't enough. If bk build quick doesn't appear to pickup your changes, try pointing bk build at the piece in question.


bk build build/release/modules/places #this will build the places module only

NOTE: Do not rely on this method as bk build quick is faster and in some cases does some steps that the above example won't perform. Use it as a last ditch effort before you try bk distclean && bk build.

  • 将Komodo Edit打造成Python开发的IDE Komodo Edit是ActiveState Software发布的一个非常不错的编辑器, 免费, 更重要的支持python/perl/ruby的code completion, 还能在 editor 中能提示代码有没有问题. 和收费的Komodo IDE 相比, 少了run/debugging/code outline/正则表达式工具的功

  • 转载:http://www.cnblogs.com/harrychinese/archive/2011/11/03/Make_Komodo-Edit_As_IDE.html 将Komodo Edit打造成Python开发的IDE Komodo Edit是ActiveState Software发布的一个非常不错的编辑器, 免费, 更重要的支持python/perl/ruby的code comple

  • configurate komodo edit fornt theme under ubuntu usuaully i use dark_default schema style,but when i installed x64 bit ubuntu,it seems something wired about display font espically chinses character an

  • komodo edit is a good choice for dynamic language progamming 当你将komodo新建的工程文件夹放在什么目录下,那么那个目录就是工程的根目录 posted on 2010-11-25 14:33  lexus 阅读( ...) 评论( ...) 编辑 收藏 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/lexus/archive

  • 先列一下我用过的几个Python编辑器的特点,最后给出结论。PyCharm,PyCharm内置了一整套的开发解决方案,包括虚拟环境管理、包管理等等功能,在你刚开始搞不清楚虚拟环境、包管理等等概念的时候,用PyCharm会比较省心。但是它比较吃硬件,如果硬件配置不是问题,可以考虑使用PyCharm。PyCharm不是开源免费软件,社区阉割版免费,专业版收费,因为我本人很少用,所以没有详细对比过二者的

  • linux下吧编辑器介绍:http://www.ithome.com/html/soft/30465.htm 1. http://komodoide.com/ 下载安装包 2. tar -zxvf Komodo-Edit-9.3.2-16460-linux-x86_64.tar.gz 3. bash install.sh 4. 如果要求安装gtk2.0 则下面的连接 5. http://www.l

  • //替换前 ACTIVITYID SERVICEID NAME ACTIVITYTYPE KEYFLAG RETURNDOC //ctrl+h调用Find对话框 Find what:(\w+) Replace with: p_nt_operareconlist(i).\1:=cur.\1; //替换后 p_nt_operareconlist(i).ACTIVITYID:=cur.ACTIVITYI

  •       有一段时间,没更新文章了。最近心情比较烦........       今天在Komodo Edit官网上发现一个非常方便的插件。主要用于前端html结构的编写,不多说看例子吧。       在编辑器中输入以下代码:            div#page>div#header+div#bodyer>ul>li*3>a       在使用快捷键Ctrl+shift+e,则会自动补全   

  • using ctrl+R,use bellow command to immediately compile link and execute c progarm with one step gcc %F;%D/%b.out   comipler gcc %F   exec %D/%b.out

  • 1:安装Komodo Edit 4 2:配置环境变量,新建一个系统变量,变量:CATALINA_HOME,值:tomcat的路径,在path变量名中加%CATALINA_HOME%\bin; 3:在Komodo Edit 4开发环境中,Tools>Run Command 新建命令,catalina.bat run 命名为 tomcat运行,新建命令,catalina.bat stop 命名为 to



