
Edit your Jupyter notebooks in Vim/Neovim
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 应用工具、 文档/文本编辑
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 秦涵涤
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Work on the next version began, post your feature ideas here


  • Input/output cells are displayed using custom syntax file and folding.
  • See your edits by starting Jupyter Notebook/Nteract application with single command/mapping (just remember to save your modifications). You may have to reload browser page/app to see the effects.
  • To see other features click here



Jupyter preview & more


Vim8 or Neovim is required (asynchronous features)

Install required external dependency:

Install plugin using plugin manager like vim-plug or Vundle:

Plug 'szymonmaszke/vimpyter' "vim-plug
Plugin 'szymonmaszke/vimpyter' "Vundle

If you want to use different plugin manager/direct instalation please do refer to their respective repositories/documentation.


Plugin provides some convenience commands:

  • VimpyterStartJupyter: asynchronously starts jupyter notebook instance from Vim/Neovim
  • VimpyterStartNteract: asynchronously starts nteract instance from Vim/Neovim
  • VimpyterInsertPythonBlock: inserts block of python code (see Demo)

Example mappings (put this in your .vimrc/init.vim):

autocmd Filetype ipynb nmap <silent><Leader>b :VimpyterInsertPythonBlock<CR>
autocmd Filetype ipynb nmap <silent><Leader>j :VimpyterStartJupyter<CR>
autocmd Filetype ipynb nmap <silent><Leader>n :VimpyterStartNteract<CR>

To see all available flags/commands refer to vim's documentation


Following options are provided:

  • g:vimpyter_color: display command line output in colour (0 or 1)
  • g:vimpyter_jupyter_notebook_flags: string describing flags passed to Jupyter notebook
  • g:vimpyter_nteract_flags: string describing flags passed to nteract app
  • g:vimpyter_view_directory: directory where proxy files are created (default: $TMP)

For detailed description type in your editor :help vimpyter-options

Integrations with other plugins

Currently supported plugins:

You can request additional integrations or create them on your own (pull requests are welcomed).

Contributors wanted!

Things you could do to improve this software:

Integrations with other plugins:

  • davidhalter/jedi-vim: Things like go to definition and documentation, maybe autocompletion (available as choice instead of deoplete-jedi).
  • w0rp/ale: Linting/fixing of .ipynb file. Using linters like flake8 from python or maybe custom made linter/fixer specifically for .ipynb file.

Other improvements:

  • Automatically update notebook on save: See this issue for more informations
  • Completion from ipython console: It may be faster to use this one. Check jonathanslenders/ptpython for possibilities.

Known bugs

If you find other bugs please post an issue. If you want to improve this software do not hesitate to cooperate!

  • 我正在使用Ubuntu Xenial(是的,我知道它已经过时了,我很快就会升级)、neovim 0.6.0(apt告诉我这是最新版本)和vscode 1.60.1。直到最近,我还可以使用:w命令保存文件,但突然间,当我使用该命令时,什么都没有发生。它可能发生在我的vscode版本更新时,但我不确定。是否有某个设置可以控制这一点,或者有什么东西可以覆盖它?谷歌搜索结果显示了相当古老的结果,而且由于它

  • VSCode Neovim 是将 Neovim 集成到 VSCode 的插件,该插件将 Neovim 实例完全嵌入到 VSCode,而非半成品的 VIM 模拟。此外 VSCode 原生功能被用于插入模式和编辑器命令。 主要特性 通过使用 Neovim 作为后端,几乎完全集成了功能完整的 VIM 支持自定义init.vim和许多 VIM 插件 “一等公民”支持且无延迟的插入模式,让 VSCode 做

  • Neovim 是 Vim 的一个雄心勃勃的重构。主要目标是: 重构代码以改善维护 实施新的高级功能 展示一个更好、更强大的插件系统 开放的开发模式,随时接受贡献,接受的标准也很明确。 特性: 现代图形用户界面 从任何语言访问API,包括C/C++, C#, Clojure, D, Elixir, Go, Haskell, Java, JavaScript/Node.js, Julia, Lisp,

  • Neovim-dot-app 是 Neovim 的 Mac OS X GUI。

  • Neovim 主机插件 Elixir 。 示例代码; defmodule AutoComplete do  use NVim.Plugin  deffunc elixir_complete("1",_,cursor,line,state), eval: "col('.')", eval: "getline('.')" do    cursor = cursor - 1 # because we a

  • Neovim 的 Python 客户端。 示例代码: >>> from neovim import attach# Create a python API session attached to unix domain socket created above:>>> nvim = attach('socket', path='/tmp/nvim')# Now do some work. >>> 

  • 黑客新闻在 Neovim

  • neovim-qt 是 Neovim 客户端的 GUI,使用 QT5。 安装 您可以使用CMake和您选择的构建系统进行构建。它应该在Qt5和Msgpack可以构建的任何系统中构建。 对于Unix调用 $ mkdir build$ cd build$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..$ make 对于Windows,MSVC和Mingw均受支持。使用以下 $



