
授权协议 CC0-1.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 应用工具、 操作系统工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 齐文栋
操作系统 OS X
适用人群 未知


Included in this repository are the files you need to import all the snippets from the amazing resource 30-seconds-of-code into you text editor of choice (VSCode, Atom + Sublime).

Make sure you ⭐️ the original repo here!

The files in this repo contain the 30-seconds-of-code Snippets as of February 1st, 2018's release. The project is still under active development and not all the snippets contained herein are production ready. You've been warned.

How to import the snippets

VSCode: Go to 'Preferences' > 'User snippets' and select the language 'Javascript', then paste in all the code from the javascript.json file. For more information checkout the VSCode snippets docs.

Atom: Copy the code in the snippets.cson file into your own snippets.cson file located in ~./atom directory. For more information checkout the Atom snippets docs.

Sublime: Move all the *.sublime-snippet's into your Packages/User folder (technically you can store *.sublime-snippet's in any package's folder but for simplicities sake Packages/User will be easiest to find). If your stuck make sure you check out the Sublime snippets docs.

Alfred: If you're an Alfred powerpack user your in luck, there is an easy way to import the snippets using the file in this repo.

NPM: You can of course access all of these snippets and more with the 30-seconds-of-code npm package by running npm install 30-seconds-of-code or the tsoc npm package by running npm install tsoc.

After the package is installed you may access a snippet(s) with the following notation for node.js: import { snippetName, otherSnippet } from '_30s' and/or javascript: const { snippetName, otherSnippet } = require('_30s')

Special thanks

Mad props go out to the core team and all the contributors at 30-seconds-of-code who have worked hard putting these snippets together. ��


Creative Commons License

CC0 1.0 Universal

  • 30-seconds-of-code: 一个有用的 JavaScript 片段集合,让你可以在 30秒或更少的时间内理解 【GitHub】 原文链接:http://caibaojian.com/30-seconds-of-code.html 数组 arrayMax 返回数组中的最大值。 将Math.max()与扩展运算符 (...) 结合使用以获取数组中的最大值。 const arrayMax =

  • 函数 功能 原文:https://github.com/Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code 作者:Chalarangelo 翻译:http://caibaojian.com/30-seconds-of-code.html 译者:蔡宝坚 收集有用的 Javascript 片段, 你可以在30秒或更少的时间里理解。 chainAsync:链异步函数 循环遍历包含异步事件的函

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