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授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 应用工具、 多媒体工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 越运锋
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


A fast, extensive and powerful allround media and game library for the Nintendo 3DS, written in C++.

This library is deprecated. I will still merge PRs and fix critical bugs, but I'm not planning on adding any new features or doing major changes. You should use libctru and citro3d/2d directly, if possible.

Click here to get to the installation instructions.

This library is still in beta! If you have any issues or find any bugs, please report them!


The m3diaLib (spelled media-lib) is split into multiple modules, which can then be split into smaller parts:


The core module contains all functionality for interacting with the system. Its features range from running and handling the app itself to displaying errors and running system applets.

Its main features are:

  • A class for running your homebrew app
  • Easy interaction with the system itself
  • Starting and running applets
  • Time measurement
  • Support for the RomFS
  • Multithreading and concurrency


The input module does what its name says: It handles each and every input for interacting with the user.

Its main features are:

  • Handling button input
  • Handling touch input


The graphics module is by far the biggest module. It handles anything graphic-wise, from rendering simple shapes to rendering and animating high-quality textures.

Its main features are:

  • Support for the top and bottom screen
  • Support for stereoscopic 3D
  • Easy-to-use interface for fast rendering on both screens
  • Support for transformation of textures and sprites
  • Pre-coded shapes as well as a shape class for easily rendering your own shapes
  • Easy-to-use color system
  • Collision detection


The audio module can be used for both music and sound effects.

Its main features are:

  • Loading or streaming audio files directly from the file system
  • Support for .wav and .mp3 (more to come!)
  • Two different classes, sound and music, which have features that can be helpful specific in their use case


The utils module contains all kind of useful utilities. Some of its functionalities are the following:

  • Basic encryption

All features are well documented here. Examples can be viewed here.

How to use it

The barebones of a homebrew app using the m3diaLib would look like this:

#include <m3dia.hpp>

int main() {
    m3d::Applet app;

    while (app.isRunning()) {
        if (m3d::buttons::buttonPressed(m3d::buttons::Button::Start)) {
            app.exit(); // exit if start is pressed

Easy, isn't it?

Planned features:


  • Microphone support
  • More file formats


  • Support for all availiable os and system functionality


  • Animation
  • RenderTargets
  • More file formats for textures
  • 3D support


This module isn't availiable at the moment. However, it's planned features are:

  • A simple HTTP and WebSocket client and server
  • Socket support
  • A 3DS-download-game alternative (more on that at a later point)


  • ZIP compression and decompression
  • JSON and XML parsing
  • Secure random numbers

...and anything that strikes my mind in the future.


To install the library, download the latest build and then execute the command make install.

If you want to build it from the source, download the latest release and then execute the following commands:

make install

Note: Make sure, to have the latest version of the devkitPro-toolchain installed, before building the lib or any examples.


To compile a m3diaLib-app, you need the following dependencies installed (install via devkitPro-pacman):

  • 3dstools
  • picasso
  • libctru
  • citro3d
  • citro2d
  • 3ds-tinyxml2
  • 3ds-zlib
  • 3ds-mpg123
  • 3ds-libpng
  • 3ds-freetype
  • tex3ds (if you want to use spritesheets)

Use this command to automatically install all necessary dependencies:

sudo dkp-pacman -S 3ds-dev 3ds-zlib 3ds-tinyxml2 3ds-mpg123 3ds-libpng


  • ctr CTR(Click-Through-Rate)即点击通过率,是互联网广告常用的术语,指网络广告(图片广告/文字广告/关键词广告/排名广告/视频广告等)的点击到达率,即该广告的实际点击次数(严格的来说,可以是到达目标页面的数量)除以广告的展现量(Show content)。 CTR是衡量互联网广告效果的一项重要指标。[^1] cvr CVR (Conversion Rate): 转化率。是一

  • 把deepfm换成transformer,离线AUC还不如deepfm?? 调参问题,现在调出来了, deepfm和output_layer 和 1层transformer的output_layer 进行add操作,而不是用transformer替换另一个,就出效果了, 比单独deepfm AUC高0.7%-0.8%

  • 目录 AES算法 分类 电码本模式(Electronic Codebook Book (ECB)) 密码分组链接模式ÿ

  • 背景:在部署k8s的过程中,经常要对镜像进行操作(拉取、删除、查看等) 问题:使用过程中会发现ctr和crictl有很多相同功能,也有些不同,那区别到底在哪里? 说明: 1.ctr是containerd自带的CLI命令行工具,crictl是k8s中CRI(容器运行时接口)的客户端,k8s使用该客户端和containerd进行交互; 2.ctr和crictl命令具体区别如下,也可以--help查看。

  • 1.http://vividfree.github.io/%E6%9C%BA%E5%99%A8%E5%AD%A6%E4%B9%A0/2015/12/21/classifier-calibration-with-isotonic-regression 2.https://blog.csdn.net/lming_08/article/details/40214921

  • 问题内容: 我经常不得不调试编写的Java代码,以便有一个接口和该接口的一个实现。 例如,将有一个接口Foo,其中有一个名为FooImpl的实现。在下面的代码中,如果我按住ctrl键单击doThings,则当我实际要转到FooImpl.java来查看实现时,它将跳至Foo.java。 当我结束界面时,必须使用ctrl-shift-r打开FooImpl。如果我可以按一下ctrl- alt并单击doT

  • 问题内容: 我编写了一个SWT UI,它的主要功能是在StyledText控件中显示文本。我想为+ 添加一个处理程序,以便在按下该快捷方式时将焦点设置为搜索框。我尝试使用以下代码检测按键。 我期待在按+ 时看到以下输出: 但是,实际上,我实际上看到了以下内容。 我有两个问题: Display.addFilter(…)是添加全局快捷方式的最佳方法吗?我尝试了Display.addListener(…

  • 问题内容: 在Windows操作系统下。 我通过Runtime.getRuntime()。exec()启动一个子进程;我想向进程发送“ ctrl -c”以停止它。 我用Runtime.getRuntime()。exec(“ ping google.com -n 100000”);做了一个小例子。可以在以下位置找到代码:http : //pastebin.com/f6315063f 到目前为止,我尝

  • 问题内容: 我正在使用以下脚本测试Python线程: 它在Kubuntu 11.10上的Python 2.7中运行。+ 不会杀死它。我还尝试为系统信号添加处理程序,但这没有帮助: 为了杀死该进程,我将程序发送到+ 后,通过PID将其杀死,这不会被忽略。为什么+ 被如此持久地忽略?我该如何解决? 问题答案: + 终止主线程,但是因为您的线程不在守护程序模式下,所以它们继续运行,并且使进程保持活动状态

  • 问题内容: 我正在开发使用C ++并使用Linux GNU C编译器进行编译的应用程序。 我想在用户使用+ 键中断脚本时调用函数。 我该怎么办?任何答案将不胜感激。 问题答案: 按时,操作系统将向该进程发送信号。有许多信号,其中之一是SIGINT。SIGINT(“程序中断”)是终止信号之一。 终止信号还有几种,但是关于SIGINT的有趣的事情是它可以由程序处理(捕获)。SIGINT的默认操作是程序

  • 问题内容: 我试图获得一个+ 和+ + 绑定在tmux会话中工作(我也在使用PuTTY)。 我已经经历了必须重新编译PuTTY的痛苦,以便它能够正确发送和发送。使用+之后,我能够看到并分别发送给+ 和+ + 。有什么办法可以将这些绑定到tmux内部的下一个窗口和上一个窗口? 编辑:经过一些研究,我想我可能必须配置xterm来包括那些键码。知道我该怎么做吗? Edit2:所以我发现我可以检索info