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A PHP SQL query builder using PDO
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开发语言 PHP
所属分类 数据库相关
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 陈实
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


FluentPDO is a PHP SQL query builder using PDO. It's a quick and light library featuring a smart join builder, which automatically creates table joins for you.


  • Easy interface for creating robust queries
  • Supports any database compatible with PDO
  • Ability to build complex SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE & DELETE queries with little code
  • Type hinting for magic methods with code completion in smart IDEs


Version 2.x

The stable release of FluentPDO and actively maintained. Officially supports PHP 7.3 to PHP 8.0,but it can work with previous versions of PHP 7.

Version 1.x

The legacy release of FluentPDO. It is no longer supported and will not be maintained or updated.This version works with PHP 5.4 to 7.1.

Version 3.x - alpha

This version is a full rewrite of Fluent from the ground up. Its main advantage issignificantly less memory usage and much greater performance in query building. It also placesa few additional restrictions to make queries easier to read and maintain. Documentation has alsobeen a very common request, and version 3 is being fully documented alongside development.Details and metrics will be posted once available.


Sitepoint - Getting Started with FluentPDO



The preferred way to install FluentPDO is via composer.

Add the following line in your composer.json file:

"require": {
	"envms/fluentpdo": "^2.2.0"

update your dependencies with composer update, and you're done!

Download Zip

If you prefer not to use composer, download the latest release, create the directory Envms/FluentPDO in your library directory, and drop this repository into it. Finally, add:

require '[lib-dir]/Envms/FluentPDO/src/Query.php';

to the top of your application. Note: You will need an autoloader to use FluentPDO without changing its source code.

Getting Started

Create a new PDO instance, and pass the instance to FluentPDO:

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:dbname=fluentdb', 'user', 'password');
$fluent = new \Envms\FluentPDO\Query($pdo);

Then, creating queries is quick and easy:

$query = $fluent->from('comment')
             ->where('article.published_at > ?', $date)
             ->orderBy('published_at DESC')

which would build the query below:

SELECT comment.*
FROM comment
LEFT JOIN article ON article.id = comment.article_id
WHERE article.published_at > ?
ORDER BY article.published_at DESC

To get data from the select, all we do is loop through the returned array:

foreach ($query as $row) {
    echo "$row['title']\n";

Using the Smart Join Builder

Let's start with a traditional join, below:

$query = $fluent->from('article')
             ->leftJoin('user ON user.id = article.user_id')

That's pretty verbose, and not very smart. If your tables use proper primary and foreign key names, you can shorten the above to:

$query = $fluent->from('article')

That's better, but not ideal. However, it would be even easier to not write any joins:

$query = $fluent->from('article')

Awesome, right? FluentPDO is able to build the join for you, by you prepending the foreign table name to the requested column.

All three snippets above will create the exact same query:

SELECT article.*, user.name 
FROM article 
LEFT JOIN user ON user.id = article.user_id
Close your connection

Finally, it's always a good idea to free resources as soon as they are done with their duties:


CRUD Query Examples

$query = $fluent->from('article')->where('id', 1)->fetch();
$query = $fluent->from('user', 1)->fetch(); // shorter version if selecting one row by primary key
$values = array('title' => 'article 1', 'content' => 'content 1');

$query = $fluent->insertInto('article')->values($values)->execute();
$query = $fluent->insertInto('article', $values)->execute(); // shorter version
$set = array('published_at' => new FluentLiteral('NOW()'));

$query = $fluent->update('article')->set($set)->where('id', 1)->execute();
$query = $fluent->update('article', $set, 1)->execute(); // shorter version if updating one row by primary key
$query = $fluent->deleteFrom('article')->where('id', 1)->execute();
$query = $fluent->deleteFrom('article', 1)->execute(); // shorter version if deleting one row by primary key

Note: INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries will only run after you call ->execute()


Free for commercial and non-commercial use under the Apache 2.0 or GPL 2.0 licenses.

  • FluentPDO简介 FluentPDO是一个快速轻松的PHP库,用于快速构建查询。 它具有智能连接构建器,可自动创建表连接。 项目地址 https://github.com/envms/fluentpdo 用法 安装 在composer.json中加入,之后更新你的依赖,composer update "require": { ... "lichtner/fluentpdo": "d

  • FluentPDO 它是一款简洁、轻量的智能构建表连接的 SQL 生成器类库,能够为你自动创建表连接语句的数据表。 特性 提供轻松创建健壮的 query 语句接口 支持所有与 PDO 兼容的数据库系统 仅需数行代码就能构建复杂的 SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE 和 DELETE 语句 能够在所有支持代码自动补全的现代 IDE 编辑器中支持方法提示 系统要求 最新的 FluentPDO (