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开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 数据库相关
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 哈翔
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


WorkflowEngine.NET - component that adds workflow in your application. It can be fully integrated into your application, or be in the form of a specific service (such as a web service).


  • Process scheme generation in runtime
  • Designer of process scheme
  • Changing process scheme in runtime is possible
  • Pre-execution of process (executing of a process from initial activity to final activity without changing state)
  • Simple version control and upgrade of process scheme
  • Serialization and saving of parameters on demand
  • Support SQL/NoSQL databases

Workflow Engine NET includes a html5 designer:


1. Samples/MSSQL - Sample for MS SQL Server

Open solution: Samples\MSSQL\WF.Sample.sln
Check connection string in WF.Sample\Configuration\ConnectionString.config.
You can restore DB\db.bak to MS SQL Server or execute scripts.
The order of execution of scripts:

  • DB\CreatePersistenceObjects.sql (For MS SQL Server) or DB\CreatePersistenceObjectsForAzureSQL.sql (For AzureSQL)
  • DB\CreateObjects.sql
  • DB\FillData.sql

2. Samples/MongoDB - Sample for MongoDB

Open solution: Samples\MongoDB\Mongo.Sample.sln
Check connection string in Configuration\AppSettings.config
<add key="Url" value="mongodb://localhost:27017"/>
<add key="Database" value="WorkflowEngineNET"/>

When you first start the application on an empty database, click on button "Generate data" (at the top right of this page)

3. Samples/RavenDB - Sample for RavenDBOpen solution: Samples\RavenDB\RavenDB.Sample.sln
Check connection string in Configuration\AppSettings.config
<add key="Url" value="http://localhost:8090/"/>
<add key="Database" value="WorkflowEngineNET"/>

When you first start the application on an empty database, click on button "Generate data" (at the top right of this page)

Official web site - https://workflowengine.io
Documentation - https://workflowengine.io/documentation/
Designer - https://workflowengine.io/demo/designer
Demo - https://workflowengine.io/demo/
For technical questions, please contact wf@optimajet.com
For commercial use, please contact sales@optimajet.com

Free limits:

  • Activity: 15
  • Transition: 25
  • Command: 5
  • Schema: 1
  • Thread: 1
  • 1.   添加组件和配置文件 (1). WorkFlowEngine.dll是工作流引擎組件,所有的工作流引擎功能都封裝在此組件中。 (2). 其他組件:Castle.DynamicProxy2.dll、Iesi.Collections.dll、log4net.dll、NHibernate.dll、nunit.framework.dll 這些組件是工作流引擎組件自身用到的,所以也必須要引用。 (3

  • 一、F2 BPM的特点: 1、真正的轻量级:完全由自主研发 未采用任何开源框架也未采用基于任何第三方引擎框架。 2、可视化流程设计建模:Web 端纯 JS 流程设计器无需编程,完全是通过鼠标拖、拉、拽的方式来完成。 3、中国特色流程支持:支持串行、并行、分支、异或分支、M 取 N 路分支、会签、加签、聚合、多重 聚合、退回、传阅、转交,取回、子流程,子流程嵌套等。 4、面向业务人员:业务人员可以短



