
Blazing fast vinyl adapter for FTP
授权协议 View license
开发语言 TypeScript
所属分类 服务器软件、 文件服务器(FTP)
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 上官锦
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Blazing fast vinyl adapter for FTP.Supports parallel transfers, conditional transfers, buffered or streamed files, and more.Often performs better than your favorite desktop FTP client.


Nice and gulpy deployment task:

var gulp = require( 'gulp' );
var gutil = require( 'gulp-util' );
var ftp = require( 'vinyl-ftp' );

gulp.task( 'deploy', function () {

	var conn = ftp.create( {
		host:     'mywebsite.tld',
		user:     'me',
		password: 'mypass',
		parallel: 10,
		log:      gutil.log
	} );

	var globs = [

	// using base = '.' will transfer everything to /public_html correctly
	// turn off buffering in gulp.src for best performance

	return gulp.src( globs, { base: '.', buffer: false } )
		.pipe( conn.newer( '/public_html' ) ) // only upload newer files
		.pipe( conn.dest( '/public_html' ) );

} );

Without Gulp:

var fs = require( 'vinyl-fs' );
var ftp = require( 'vinyl-ftp' );

var conn = new ftp( /* ... */ );

fs.src( [ './src/**' ], { buffer: false } )
	.pipe( conn.dest( '/dst' ) );

Remember not to push FTP credentials to public repos!


var ftp = require( 'vinyl-ftp' )

ftp.create( config )

Return a new vinyl-ftp instance with the given config. Config options:

  • host: FTP host, default is localhost
  • user: FTP user, default is anonymous
  • pass[word]: FTP password, default is anonymous@
  • port: FTP port, default is 21
  • log: Log function, default is null
  • timeOffset: Offset server time by this number of minutes, default is 0
  • parallel: Number of parallel transfers, default is 3
  • maxConnections: Maximum number of connections, should be greater orequal to "parallel". Default is 5, or the parallel setting.Don't worry about setting this too high, vinyl-ftprecovers from "Too many connections" errors nicely.
  • reload: Clear caches before (each) stream, default is false
  • idleTimeout: Time to keep idle FTP connections (milliseconds), default is 100
  • debug: A debug callback that gets extensive debug information, default is null
  • secure: Set true for secured FTP connections
  • secureOptions: Set { rejectUnauthorized: false } for self-signed or expired secure FTP connections

You can override parallel and reload per stream in their options.

var conn = ftp.create( config )

conn.src( globs[, options] ) STREAM

Returns a vinyl file stream that emits remote files matched by the givenglobs.The remote files have a file.ftp property containing remote information.Possible options:

  • cwd: Set as file.cwd, default is /.
  • base: Set as file.base, default is glob beginning. This is used to determine the file names when saving in .dest().
  • since: Only emit files modified after this date.
  • buffer: Should the file be buffered (complete download) before emitting? Default is true.
  • read: Should the file be read? Default is true. False will emit null files.

Glob-related options are documented at minimatch.

conn.dest( remoteFolder[, options] ) STREAM

Returns a transform stream that transfers input files to a remote folder.All directories are created automatically.Passes input files through.

conn.mode( remoteFolder, mode[, options] ) STREAM

Returns a transform stream that sets remote file permissions for each file.mode must be a string between '0000' and '0777'.

conn.newer( remoteFolder[, options] ) STREAM

Returns a transform stream which filters the input for fileswhich are newer than their remote counterpart.

conn.differentSize( remoteFolder[, options] ) STREAM

Returns a transform stream which filters the input for fileswhich have a different file size than their remote counterpart.

conn.newerOrDifferentSize( remoteFolder[, options] ) STREAM

See above.

conn.filter( remoteFolder, filter[, options] ) STREAM

Returns a transform stream that filters the input using a callback.The callback should be of this form:

function ( localFile, remoteFile, callback ) {

	// localFile and remoteFile are vinyl files.
	// Check remoteFile.ftp for remote information.
	// Decide wether localFile should be emitted and call callback with boolean.
	// callback is a function( error, emit )

	callback( null, emit );


conn.delete( path, cb ) CALLBACK

Deletes a file.

conn.rmdir( path, cb ) CALLBACK

Removes a directory, recursively.

conn.clean( globs, local[, options] ) STREAM

Globs remote files, tests if they are locally available at <local>/<remote.relative> and removes them if not.


  • Run tests with CONFIG=test/config/yourserver.json npm test
  • 前端小菜鸡一枚,总结项目中发现的小技巧,有什么不对和错误希望各位指出和补充,谢谢大家观看! ·························································································································      最近项目中,要求用ftp协议直接将打包后部署到服务器,

  •  请先明白一点,HTTP上传和FTP上传是不一样的,HTTP上传会带有头文件等等,你得分析,也就是通过网页上传。通过FTP上传不用,因为他不会带头文件,操作方式其实就和你在本地操作一个文件复制到另外一个地方没有什么区别,只是使用的类不一样而已。 下面是具体实现的原文件:   import; import; import su