
MP4v2 Library: This library provides functions to read, create, and modify mp4 files

MP4v2 overview

The MP4v2 library provides an API to create and modify mp4 files as defined by ISO-IEC:14496-1:2001 MPEG-4 Systems. This file format is derived from Apple's QuickTime file format that has been used as a multimedia file format in a variety of platforms and applications. It is a very powerful and extensible format that can accommodate practically any type of media.

MP4v2 was originally bundled with mpeg4ip library, but has been moved into its own maintained library due to a combination of the cessation of support of mpeg4ip and the usefulness of this library on its own.


We haven't been using Internet Relay Chat much, and I'm open to alternatives that might be easier for everyone to use/monitor (e.g. something like hipchat?) That said, if you still want IRC, discussions usually happen on (freenode network), channel #mp4v2 . No spam please, and be reasonable; this is a free project worked on by volunteers in their spare time.

2.0.0 Release

Major release that includes many, many bugfixes, new APIs for dealing with metadata, much better logging, improved performance and more.

trunk-r479 snapshot

Latest trunk snapshot. Documentation is available here. Overall, this is the best version to use due to some compatibility issues with 1.9.0 and 1.9.1. Users interested in iTMF Generic and Tags APIs should use this snapshot as there have been significant improvements in metadata support. This version also contains a new logging interface, many bug fixes, compatibility improvements and significant performance gains.

1.9.1 release

Point release that fixes a minor issue with the build system and folks who add -ggdb3 to their CFLAGS. The reason for an actual release was more to test the release system - which appears to have worked great thanks to the wonderful documentation from KonaBlend.

Project Information