If you’ve noticed poor performance in your GitHub Pages, when using a custom root domain you’re not alone, and there is a solution (Context/tips from a GitHub engineer).
Also in GitHub ephemera, check out this Chrome plugin to view GitHub repos using a tree format. Super handy.
If you’re not sure what “Git” or “GitHub” even are, check out this guide to the version control system. Elsewhere on SitePoint, we have a designer’s guide to SVGs, a look at Windows Phone 8.1, and
a guide to a server-less Ember.js.
Parallax scrolling is “all the rage”, as they say (although it’s not for everyone, apparently). Here’s a great look at improving parallax performance and getting that scrolling as smooth as possible. If you’ve never given it a crack, here’s a guide to getting started with the effect.
We’re living in something of a Golden Age when it comes to prototyping and web development tools. In the last day or so alone, and without even trying, we’ve been made aware of prototyping tools Framer
and Facebook’s Origami, and browser interaction design tool, er, Design Tool, as well as Google’s Web Designer.
Makes you wonder: are there too many web developments tools out there?
Webkitted Out
The folks behind Webkit have come out with exciting news about a new advancement in Javascript optimization. In what we’re assuming was a spectacularly dramatic fusion process, they’ve unified their existing JavaScript compilation infrastructure with a state-of-the-art optimizer, LLVM. The resulting compiler is dubbed the Webkit FTL JIT - and although FTL doesn’t stand for Faster Than Light, perhaps it should.
You Shall Not Pass
JetBlue would like you to use a password that contains no qs or zs, if that’s cool with you. That slightly bizarre request is apparently due to the company relying on tech first built in the 1950s, when phones didn’t have the ability to type those letters, according to a commenter in a surprisingly great Hacker News discussion. Also from that discussion,
a collection of the world’s worst password requirements.
Finally, if you don’t already want a Tesla, you will after reading this Oatmeal post. We’re pretty sure Elon Musk doesn’t subscribe to this newsletter (yet!), but if you know him, tell him to read the second part of the comic. Thanks in advance!
That’s it from us, we’re off to buy a Tesla! (Not really!) Get in touch by replying to this email or hitting us up on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.