1、算法的主要思想就是将一个中缀表达式(Infix expression)转换成便于处理的后缀表达式(Postfix expression),然后借助于栈这个简单的数据结构,计算出表达式的结果。
# usage c = Calculator() print('result: {:f}'.formart(c.get_result('1.11+2.22-3.33*4.44/5.55'))) # output: result: 0.666000
Test No.1: (1.11) = 1.110000 Test No.2: 1.11+2.22-3.33*4.44/5.55 = 0.666000 Test No.3: 1.11+(2.22-3.33)*4.44/5.55 = 0.222000 Test No.4: 1.11+(2.22-3.33)*(4.44+5.55)/6.66 = -0.555000 Test No.5: 1.11*((2.22-3.33)*(4.44+5.55))/(6.66+7.77) = -0.852992 Test No.6: (1.11+2.22)*(3.33+4.44)/5.55*6.66 = 31.048920 Test No.7: (1.11-2.22)/(3.33+4.44)/5.55*(6.66+7.77)/(8.88) = -0.041828 Test No.8: Error: (1.11+2.22)*(3.33+4.44: missing ")", please check your expression Test No.9: Error: (1.11+2.22)*3.33/0+(34-45): divisor cannot be zero Test No.10: Error: 12+89^7: invalid character: ^
class Stack(object): """ The structure of a Stack. The user don't have to know the definition. """ def __init__(self): self.__container = list() def __is_empty(self): """ Test if the stack is empty or not :return: True or False """ return len(self.__container) == 0 def push(self, element): """ Add a new element to the stack :param element: the element you want to add :return: None """ self.__container.append(element) def top(self): """ Get the top element of the stack :return: top element """ if self.__is_empty(): return None return self.__container[-1] def pop(self): """ Remove the top element of the stack :return: None or the top element of the stack """ return None if self.__is_empty() else self.__container.pop() def clear(self): """ We'll make an empty stack :return: self """ self.__container.clear() return self
class Calculator(object): """ A simple calculator, just for fun """ def __init__(self): self.__exp = '' def __validate(self): """ We have to make sure the expression is legal. 1. We only accept the `()` to specify the priority of a sub-expression. Notes: `[ {` and `] }` will be replaced by `(` and `)` respectively. 2. Valid characters should be `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `(`, `)` and numbers(int, float) - Invalid expression examples, but we can only handle the 4th case. The implementation will be much more sophisticated if we want to handle all the possible cases.: 1. `a+b-+c` 2. `a+b+-` 3. `a+(b+c` 4. `a+(+b-)` 5. etc :return: True or False """ if not isinstance(self.__exp, str): print('Error: {}: expression should be a string'.format(self.__exp)) return False # Save the non-space expression val_exp = '' s = Stack() for x in self.__exp: # We should ignore the space characters if x == ' ': continue if self.__is_bracket(x) or self.__is_digit(x) or self.__is_operators(x) \ or x == '.': if x == '(': s.push(x) elif x == ')': s.pop() val_exp += x else: print('Error: {}: invalid character: {}'.format(self.__exp, x)) return False if s.top(): print('Error: {}: missing ")", please check your expression'.format(self.__exp)) return False self.__exp = val_exp return True def __convert2postfix_exp(self): """ Convert the infix expression to a postfix expression :return: the converted expression """ # highest priority: () # middle: * / # lowest: + - converted_exp = '' stk = Stack() for x in self.__exp: if self.__is_digit(x) or x == '.': converted_exp += x elif self.__is_operators(x): converted_exp += ' ' tp = stk.top() if tp: if tp == '(': stk.push(x) continue x_pri = self.__get_priority(x) tp_pri = self.__get_priority(tp) if x_pri > tp_pri: stk.push(x) elif x_pri == tp_pri: converted_exp += stk.pop() + ' ' stk.push(x) else: while stk.top(): if self.__get_priority(stk.top()) != x_pri: converted_exp += stk.pop() + ' ' else: break stk.push(x) else: stk.push(x) elif self.__is_bracket(x): converted_exp += ' ' if x == '(': stk.push(x) else: while stk.top() and stk.top() != '(': converted_exp += stk.pop() + ' ' stk.pop() # pop all the operators while stk.top(): converted_exp += ' ' + stk.pop() + ' ' return converted_exp def __get_result(self, operand_2, operand_1, operator): if operator == '+': return operand_1 + operand_2 elif operator == '-': return operand_1 - operand_2 elif operator == '*': return operand_1 * operand_2 elif operator == '/': if operand_2 != 0: return operand_1 / operand_2 else: print('Error: {}: divisor cannot be zero'.format(self.__exp)) return None def __calc_postfix_exp(self, exp): """ Get the result from a converted postfix expression e.g. 6 5 2 3 + 8 * + 3 + * :return: result """ assert isinstance(exp, str) stk = Stack() exp_split = exp.strip().split() for x in exp_split: if self.__is_operators(x): # pop two top numbers in the stack r = self.__get_result(stk.pop(), stk.pop(), x) if r is None: return None else: stk.push(r) else: # push the converted number to the stack stk.push(float(x)) return stk.pop() def __calc(self): """ Try to get the result of the expression :return: None or result """ # Validate if self.__validate(): # Convert, then run the algorithm to get the result return self.__calc_postfix_exp(self.__convert2postfix_exp()) else: return None def get_result(self, expression): """ Get the result of an expression Suppose we have got a valid expression :return: None or result """ self.__exp = expression.strip() return self.__calc() """ Utilities """ @staticmethod def __is_operators(x): return x in ['+', '-', '*', '/'] @staticmethod def __is_bracket(x): return x in ['(', ')'] @staticmethod def __is_digit(x): return x.isdigit() @staticmethod def __get_priority(op): if op in ['+', '-']: return 0 elif op in ['*', '/']: return 1
本文向大家介绍php实现简单四则运算器,包括了php实现简单四则运算器的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例为大家分享了php实现简单四则运算器的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 前端代码 : 后台: 效果图1: 效果图2: 以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持呐喊教程。
Python3 实例 以下代码用于实现简单计算器实现,包括两个数基本的加减乘除运输: 实例(Python 3.0+)# Filename : test.py # author by : www.runoob.com # 定义函数 def add(x, y): """相加""" return x + y def subtract(x, y): """相减""" return x - y def mu
本文向大家介绍js实现简单计算器,包括了js实现简单计算器的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 参考部分资料,编写一个简单的计算器案例,虽然完成了正常需求,但是也有不满之处,待后续实力提升后再来补充,先把不足之处列出: 1:本来打算只要打开页面,计算器的输入框会显示一个默认为0的状态,但是在输入框加入默认显示为0的时候,选择数据输入时,该0会显示输入数字的前面,例如”0123“,由于能力有
本文向大家介绍JavaScript实现简单计算器,包括了JavaScript实现简单计算器的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 适合初学者参考的简易计算器,里面没有太多的难以理解的方法,使用的是最基础的JS语法解决式子的运算问题,同时处理了式子中的运算优先级。 实现思路 1、通过绑定点击事件实现待计算式子的输入 2、遍历原式子,读取式子中乘除运算符的位置 3、优先处理乘除取余运算 4、处理加减
本文向大家介绍java中实现四则运算代码,包括了java中实现四则运算代码的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 最近上网查了一下,竟然没有找到用Java编写的四则运算的代码,就小写了一下.如有问题请大家反馈. 1.说明 代码只是实现了简单的四则运算,支持+,-,*,/,(,) 只能计算出正确的表达式的值,没有对非法表达式进行校验. 2.实现方法 第一步:将输入的字符串转换为List,主要是用来
本文向大家介绍简单实现Android计算器功能,包括了简单实现Android计算器功能的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 自己写的安卓的计算器: 注:这个是在mac中开发的,如果要在windows的eclipse中运行可能会出现路径问题,解决办法从windows中已有的安卓工程根目录下复制一下classpath文件,然后复制粘贴覆盖掉这个工程根目录里面的路径文件,再导入工程应该就可以打开了。