str.length => integer
str.include? other_str => true or false "hello".include? "lo" #=> true "hello".include? "ol" #=> false "hello".include? ?h #=> true
str.insert(index, other_str) => str "abcd".insert(0, 'X') #=> "Xabcd" "abcd".insert(3, 'X') #=> "abcXd" "abcd".insert(4, 'X') #=> "abcdX" "abcd".insert(-3, 'X') -3, 'X') #=> "abXcd" "abcd".insert(-1, 'X') #=> "abcdX"
str.split(pattern=$;, [limit]) => anArray " now's the time".split #=> ["now's", "the", "time"] "1, 2.34,56, 7".split(%r{,\s*}) #=> ["1", "2.34", "56", "7"] "hello".split(//) #=> ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"] "hello".split(//, 3) #=> ["h", "e", "llo"] "hi mom".split(%r{\s*}) #=> ["h", "i", "m", "o", "m"] "mellow yellow".split("ello") #=> ["m", "w y", "w"] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(',') #=> ["1", "2", "", "3", "4"] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(',', 4) #=> ["1", "2", "", "3,4,,"]
str.gsub(pattern, replacement) => new_str str.gsub(pattern) {|match| block } => new_str "hello".gsub(/[aeiou]/, '*') #=> "h*ll*" #将元音替换成*号 "hello".gsub(/([aeiou])/, '<\1>') #=> "h<e>ll<o>" #将元音加上尖括号,\1表示保留原有字符??? "hello".gsub(/./) {|s| s[0].to_s + ' '} #=> "104 101 108 108 111 "
str.replace(other_str) => str s = "hello" #=> "hello" s.replace "world" #=> "world"
str.delete([other_str]+) => new_str "hello".delete "l","lo" #=> "heo" "hello".delete "lo" #=> "he" "hello".delete "aeiou", "^e" #=> "hell" "hello".delete "ej-m" #=> "ho"
str.lstrip => new_str " hello ".lstrip #=> "hello " "hello".lstrip #=> "hello"
str.match(pattern) => matchdata or nil
str.reverse => new_str "stressed".reverse #=> "desserts"
str.squeeze([other_str]*) => new_str "yellow moon".squeeze #=> "yelow mon" #默认去掉串中所有重复的字符 " now is the".squeeze(" ") #=> " now is the" #去掉串中重复的空格 "putters shoot balls".squeeze("m-z") #=> "puters shot balls" #去掉指定范围内的重复字符
str.to_i=> str "12345".to_i #=> 12345
"hello".chomp #=> "hello" "hello\n".chomp #=> "hello" "hello\r\n".chomp #=> "hello" "hello\n\r".chomp #=> "hello\n" "hello\r".chomp #=> "hello" "hello".chomp("llo") #=> "he""string\r\n".chop #=> "string" "string\n\r".chop #=> "string\n" "string\n".chop #=> "string" "string".chop #=> "strin"
split是String类的一个类方法,我根据ri String.split提供的内容简单翻译一下。
----------------------------------------------------------- String#split
str.split(pattern=$;, [limit]) => anArray
Divides _str_ into substrings based on a delimiter, returning an
array of these substrings.
If _pattern_ is a +String+, then its contents are used as the
delimiter when splitting _str_. If _pattern_ is a single space,
_str_ is split on whitespace, with leading whitespace and runs of
contiguous whitespace characters ignored.
If _pattern_ is a +Regexp+, _str_ is divided where the pattern
matches. Whenever the pattern matches a zero-length string, _str_
is split into individual characters.
If _pattern_ is omitted, the value of +$;+ is used. If +$;+ is
+nil+ (which is the default), _str_ is split on whitespace as if `
' were specified.
如果pattern被忽略,将用$;来分隔,如果$;没有设置(就是在默认状态),split将制定空格' '
If the _limit_ parameter is omitted, trailing null fields are
suppressed. If _limit_ is a positive number, at most that number of
fields will be returned (if _limit_ is +1+, the entire string is
returned as the only entry in an array). If negative, there is no
limit to the number of fields returned, and trailing null fields
are not suppressed.
" now's the time".split #=> ["now's", "the", "time"]
" now's the time".split(' ') #=> ["now's", "the", "time"]
" now's the time".split(/ /) #=> ["", "now's", "", "the", "time"]
"1, 2.34,56, 7".split(%r{,\s*}) #=> ["1", "2.34", "56", "7"]
"hello".split(//) #=> ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
"hello".split(//, 3) #=> ["h", "e", "llo"]
"hi mom".split(%r{\s*}) #=> ["h", "i", "m", "o", "m"]
"mellow yellow".split("ello") #=> ["m", "w y", "w"]
"1,2,,3,4,,".split(' ,') #=> ["1", "2", "", "3", "4"]
"1,2,,3,4,,".split(',', 4) #=> ["1", "2", "", "3,4,,"]
"1,2,,3,4,,".split(',', -4) #=> ["1", "2", "", "3", "4", "", ""]
"wo | shi | yi | ge | bing".split(/\s*\|\s*) #竖杠别忘了转义
"123=342=4234=523421=6424".scan(/\d+/) #=> ["123","342","4234","523421","6424"]
"Three little words".split(/\s+/) #===>["three","little",words"]
"Three little words".split(/(\s+)/) #===>["three"," ","little"," ","words"] 保留了空格
字符串常用函数 myitoa #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> void resver(char *s)//反转字符串 { int len = strlen(s); //printf("len=%d\n",len); int i = 0; char tmp = 0; for (;
常用的9个字符串C标准库函数 在面试或者工作过程中,我们经常需要处理字符串,这个时候就需要用到C标准库中字符串相关的函数,下面简单介绍一下常用的9个字符串处理函数。 1.strlen函数 size_t strlen ( const char * str ); 求字符串长度函数,用于求C风格的字符串str的长度,size_t即是unsigned int类型。 2.strcpy函数 char * s
在 Bash 脚本中可以调用字符串处理工具 awk 来替换内置的字符串处理操作。 样例 10-6. 使用另一种方式来截取和定位子字符串 #!/bin/bash # substring-extraction.sh String=23skidoo1 # 012345678 Bash # 123456789 awk # 注意不同字符串索引系统: # Bash 中第一个字符
NumPy 提供了许多字符串处理函数,它们被定义在用于处理字符串数组的 numpy.char 这个类中,这些函数的操作对象是 string_ 或者 unicode_ 字符串数组。如下表所示: NumPy处理字符串数组函数 函数名称 描述 add() 对两个数组相应位置的字符串做连接操作。 multiply() 返回多个字符串副本,比如将字符串“ hello”乘以3,则返回字符串“ hello h
本文向大家介绍PHP常用字符串函数用法实例总结,包括了PHP常用字符串函数用法实例总结的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例总结了PHP常用字符串函数用法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 字符串函数 explore 使用一个字符串分割另一个字符串 结果为数组 implode(join) 将一个一维数组的值转化为字符串 htmlentities 将字符转换为 HTML 转义字符 htm
本文向大家介绍浅析python 内置字符串处理函数的使用方法,包括了浅析python 内置字符串处理函数的使用方法的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 一、lower():将大写字母全部转为小写字母。如: 二、title”":将字符串转化为标题,即所有单词的首字母大写,其他字母小写。使用方法同lower() 三、replace:返回某字符串的所有匹配项均被替换之后得到的字符串。 四、split