Google 地图API 参考手册
构造函数/对象 | 描述 |
Map() | 在指定的 HTML 容器中创建新的地图,该容器通常是一个DIV元素。 |
构造函数/对象 | 描述 |
Marker | 创建一个标记。 |
MarkerOptions | 标记的选项。由DirectionsRenderer渲染的所有标记都将使用这些选项。 |
MarkerImage | A structure representing a Marker icon or shadow image |
MarkerShape | Defines the marker shape to use in determination of a marker's clickable region (type and coord) |
Animation | Specifies animations that can be played on a marker (bounce or drop) |
InfoWindow | Creates an info window |
InfoWindowOptions | Options for rendering the info window |
Polyline | Creates a polyline (contains path and stroke styles) |
PolylineOptions | Options for rendering the polyline |
Polygon | Creates a polygon (contains path and stroke+fill styles) |
PolygonOptions | Options for rendering the polygon |
Rectangle | Creates a rectangle (contains bounds and stroke+fill styles) |
RectangleOptions | Options for rendering the rectangle |
Circle | Creates a circle (contains center+radius and stroke+fill styles) |
CircleOptions | Options for rendering the circle |
GroundOverlay | |
GroundOverlayOptions | |
OverlayView | |
MapPanes | |
MapCanvasProjection |
构造函数/对象 | 描述 |
MapsEventListener | It has no methods and no constructor. Its instances are returned from addListener(), addDomListener() and are eventually passed back to removeListener() |
event | Adds/Removes/Trigger event listeners |
MouseEvent | Returned from various mouse events on the map and overlays |
构造函数/对象 | 描述 |
MapTypeControlOptions | Holds options for modifying a control (position and style) |
MapTypeControlStyle | Specifies what kind of map control to display (Drop-down menu or buttons) |
OverviewMapControlOptions | Options for rendering of the overview map control (opened or collapsed) |
PanControlOptions | Options for rendering of the pan control (position) |
RotateControlOptions | Options for rendering of the rotate control (position) |
ScaleControlOptions | Options for rendering of the scale control (position and style) |
ScaleControlStyle | Specifies what kind of scale control to display |
StreetViewControlOptions | Options for rendering of the street view pegman control (position) |
ZoomControlOptions | Options for rendering of the zoom control (position and style) |
ZoomControlStyle | Specifies what kind of zoom control to display (large or small) |
ControlPosition | Specifies the placement of controls on the map |
以上就是对 Google 地图API资料整理,后续继续补充相关知识,谢谢大家对本站的支持!
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