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在实验一创建并插入数据的表(Student, Course,SC,Teacher,TC)的基础上,完成以下操作。

update Teacher set tname='罗莉莉' where tname='罗莉'

insert into Score(sno,cno,grade) values ('04261006','C003','64')

insert into Score(sno,cno,grade) values('04261007','C004','79')

select sno 学号,cno 课程号,grade 分数from Score where sno=04261006 or sno=04261007;

delete from Score where sno=04261006 or sno=04261007;



cno CHAR(8),

avscore numeric(5,2),

constraint a1 primary key (cno),

constraint a2 foreign key (cno) references Course(cno),


insert into average(cno,avscore)

select distinct cno ,avg(grade) from Score group by cno

Update Student set 2014-year(Sbirth) 年龄 where Sname=' 马丽' 

update Student set szipcode='221000'

 update average set avscore='0'

delete from average where cno='C007'

delete from average;

create  table  tstudent   ( Sno  char(8)  primary  key,     Sname  varchar(8)  unique );  

Delete  from  tstudent  where  Sno  like '001011%';

select sno 学号,sname 姓名from Student

select sno 学号,sname 姓名,sdept 系from Student

select * from Student

select sname 姓名,2014-year(sbirth) 年龄from Student

select sname 姓名,year(sbirth) 出生年份from Student

select distinct sno from Score

select distinct student.sno from Student,Score where Student.sno=Score.sno and Score.grade>0 ;

select sno,sname from Student where sdept='计算机系'

select sname 姓名,2014-year(sbirth) 年龄from Student where 2014-year(sbirth)<23;

select distinct sno from Score where grade<60;

select sname 姓名,sdept 系,2014-year(sbirth) 年龄from student where 2014-year(sbirth) between 20 and 22;

select sname 姓名,sdept 系,2014-year(sbirth) 年龄from student where 2014-year(sbirth) not between 20 and 22;

select sname from Student where sdept='计算机系' or sclass='电商系'

select sname,sclass from Student where sclass not in('计','计');


[code]select student.sno,sname,ssex,2014-year(sbirth),sclass,grade from Student,Score where Student.sno=Score.sno and Student.sno='04262002';

select * from Student where sno like '04262%'

select sno 学号,sname 姓名,ssex 性别,2011-year(sbirth) 年龄from Student where sname like'王%'

 select sno 学号,sname 姓名,ssex 性别,2011-year(sbirth) 年龄from Student where sname like '_田%'

select sname 姓名from Student where sname not like '刘%'

select cno,cname from Course where cno like 'C%05'

select Student.sno,sname,cno from Student,Score where Student.sno=Score.sno and grade is NULL;

select sno, cno from Score where grade is not NULL;

select sno ,sname from Student where sdept='计算机系' and 2014-year(sbirth)<22

select student.sno,grade from student,Score where Student.sno=Score.sno and cno='C001' order by grade desc;

select * from student order by sdept asc,2014-year(sbirth) desc;

select count(*) 人数from Student;

select count(distinct sno)人数from Score;

select sno,grade from Score where grade =(select max(grade)from Score )

select distinct a.* from Score a where a.sno IN (select top 1 Score.sno from Score where Score.cno = a.cno order by grade desc)

select max(grade)最高分数from Score where cno='C001'

select count(sno) 选课人数from Score group by cno;

select Student.sno,sname from Student where Student.sno in

(select Student.sno from Student,Score where 

sdept='计算机系'and Student.sno=Score.sno group by Student.sno having count(cno)>=2);

select student.*,Score.grade from student ,Score where student.sno=Score.sno;

 select a.cno,b.cpno from Course a,Course b where a.cpno=b.cno;

 select sname,grade from student,Score where Student.sno=Score.sno and cno='C001' and grade>=90;

 select Student.sno,sname,cname,grade from Course,Score,Student where Course.cno=Score.cno and student.sno=Score.sno;

select Sname from Student where not exists (select *  from Course where not exists(select *  from Score where Sno=Student.Sno and Cno=Course.Cno))

select student.sno,sname from student,Score where student.sno=Score.sno and cno='C001';


[code]select student.sno,sname,cno from student,Score where student.sno=Score.sno and cno in ('C001','C007');
select sno ,sname,2014-year(sbirth) age ,sclass from student where sdept='计算机系' or 2014-year(sbirth)<=23;

select student.sno,sname from student,Score where student.sno=Score.sno and cno='C001' and student.sno in (select student.sno from student,Score where student.sno=Score.sno and cno='C007')

select student.sno ,sname,ssex,cname,2011-year(sbirth) age from student,Score,Course where student.sno=Score.sno and Score.cno=Course.cno and cname='数据库原理';

select sno,sname ,2014-year(sbirth) age from student where 2014-year(sbirth)<(select min(2014-year(sbirth)) from student where sclass='计61')and sclass !='计61';

select sno,sname,ssex,2014-year(sbirth) age from student where sdept=(select sdept from student where sname='夏天') and sname!='夏天'

create view view_student

as select sno,sname,ssex,sbirth,sclass from student where sclass='13z网络'

create view view_student2

as select sno,sname,ssex,sbirth,sclass from student where sclass='13z网络' with check opthtml" target="_blank">ion;

create view v_cs_C001_student1

as select student.sno,sname,ssex,sbirth,sclass from Student ,Score where 

student.sno=Score.sno and sclass='13z网络' and cno='C001';

create view cs_c001_student2


select student.sno,sname ,ssex,sbirth,sclass,cno from student,Score where 

student.sno=Score.sno and cno='C001' and sclass='13z网络'and student.sno in (select student.sno from student,Score where student.sno=Score.sno and grade>90)

create view v_birth_student


select sno,sname,2014-year(sbirth) age from student

create view v_female_student 


select * from student where ssex='女';

create view v_average_student


select sno,avg(grade) avscore from Score group by sno;

select * from view_student where 2014-year(sbirth)<=22;

select * from v_cs_C001_student1;

update view_student set sname='王某某'where sno=04261001;

insert into view_student2(sno,sname,ssex,sbirth,sclass) values ('04262004','张某某','男','1987/11/09','计');

delete from view_student2 where sno='04262004'and sname='张某某';


  • 本文向大家介绍数据库表的查询操作(实验二),包括了数据库表的查询操作(实验二)的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 【实验目的】:了解SQL语言的使用,进一步理解关系运算,巩固数据库的基础知识。 【实验要求】:掌握利用Select语句进行各种查询操作:单表查询、多表连接及查询、嵌套查询、集合查询等。 【实验内容】 一、单表查询 1.简单查询 打开查询分析器,根建立teacher表,并加入数据。

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