import socket, sys port = 70 host = "quux.org" filename = "//" s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((host, port)) s.sendall(filename+"\r\n") while(1): buf = s.recv(2048) if not buf: break sys.stdout.write(buf)
iWelcome to gopher at quux.org! fake (NULL) 0 i fake (NULL) 0 iThis server has a lot of information of historic interest, fake (NULL) 0 ifunny, or just plain entertaining -- all presented in Gopher. fake (NULL) 0 iThere are many mirrors here of rare or valuable files with the fake (NULL) 0 iaim to preserve them in case their host disappears. PLEASE READ fake (NULL) 0 i"About This Server" FOR IMPORTANT NOTES AND LEGAL INFORMATION. fake (NULL) 0 i fake (NULL) 0 0About This Server /About This Server.txt gopher.quux.org 70 + 1Archives /Archives gopher.quux.org 70 + 1Books /Books gopher.quux.org 70 + 1Communication /Communication gopher.quux.org 70 + iThis directory contains the entire text of the book fake (NULL) 0 i"We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People" fake (NULL) 0 iby Dan Gillmor in various formats. fake (NULL) 0 i fake (NULL) 0 iFeel free to download and enjoy. fake (NULL) 0 1Computers /Computers gopher.quux.org 70 + 1Current Issues and Events (Updated Apr. 23, 2002) /Current gopher.quux.org 70 + 1Development Projects /devel gopher.quux.org 70 + 0Gopher's 10th Anniversary /3.0.0.txt gopher.quux.org 70 1Government, Politics, Law, and Conflict /Government gopher.quux.org 70 + 0How To Help /How To Help.txt gopher.quux.org 70 + 1Humor and Fun /Humor and Fun gopher.quux.org 70 + 1Index to Quux.Org /Archives/index gopher.quux.org 70 1Internet /Internet gopher.quux.org 70 + 1Other Gopher Servers /Software/Gopher/servers gopher.quux.org 70 1People /People gopher.quux.org 70 + 1Reference /Reference gopher.quux.org 70 + 1Software and Downloads /Software gopher.quux.org 70 + 1The Gopher Project /Software/Gopher gopher.quux.org 70 0What's New /whatsnew.txt gopher.quux.org 70 +
cmf_get_root() 功能 获取网站根目录 参数 无 返回 string 一般情况为空,如果网站部署在二级目录不为空,返回结果不带/
cmf_get_root() 功能 获取网站根目录 参数 无 返回 string 一般情况为空,如果网站部署在二级目录不为空,返回结果不带/
本文向大家介绍ASP.NET编程获取网站根目录方法小结,包括了ASP.NET编程获取网站根目录方法小结的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例讲述了ASP.NET编程获取网站根目录方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 获取网站根目录的方法有几种如: Server.MapPath(Request.ServerVariables["PATH_INFO"]) Server.MapPath("
Python 提供了两个级别访问的网络服务。: 低级别的网络服务支持基本的 Socket,它提供了标准的 BSD Sockets API,可以访问底层操作系统Socket接口的全部方法。 高级别的网络服务模块 SocketServer, 它提供了服务器中心类,可以简化网络服务器的开发。 什么是 Socket? Socket又称"套接字",应用程序通常通过"套接字"向网络发出请求或者应答网络请求,使
本文向大家介绍c# 网络编程之http,包括了c# 网络编程之http的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 一、概述 本文目的是通过C#代码提供一个HTTP服务,正常情况下如果我们需要向外界提供HTTP服务,常规做法就是通过ASP.NET来实现,有时我们的应用程序或Windows服务需要向外提供一些简单的HTTP服务就可以自己实现,从而避免部署IIS增加系统复杂性。这里必须强调是一些简单的应用
本文向大家介绍c# 网络编程之tcp,包括了c# 网络编程之tcp的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 一、概述 UDP和TCP是网络通讯常用的两个传输协议,C#一般可以通过Socket来实现UDP和TCP通讯,由于.NET框架通过UdpClient、TcpListener 、TcpClient这几个类对Socket进行了封装,使其使用更加方便, 本文就通过这几个封装过的类讲解一下相关应用。