class CPdo{ protected $_dsn = "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test"; protected $_name = "root"; protected $_pass = ""; protected $_condition = array(); protected $pdo; protected $fetchAll; protected $query; protected $result; protected $num; protected $mode; protected $prepare; protected $row; protected $fetchAction; protected $beginTransaction; protected $rollback; protected $commit; protected $char; private static $get_mode; private static $get_fetch_action; /** *pdo construct */ public function __construct($pconnect = false) { $this->_condition = array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => $pconnect); $this->pdo_connect(); } /** *pdo connect */ private function pdo_connect() { try{ $this->pdo = new PDO($this->_dsn,$this->_name,$this->_pass,$this->_condition); } catch(Exception $e) { return $this->setExceptionError($e->getMessage(), $e->getline, $e->getFile); } } /** *self sql get value action */ public function getValueBySelfCreateSql($sql, $fetchAction = "assoc",$mode = null) { $this->fetchAction = $this->fetchAction($fetchAction); $this->result = $this->setAttribute($sql, $this->fetchAction, $mode); $this->AllValue = $this->result->fetchAll(); return $this->AllValue; } /** *select condition can query */ private function setAttribute($sql, $fetchAction, $mode) { $this->mode = self::getMode($mode); $this->fetchAction = self::fetchAction($fetchAction); $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, $this->mode); $this->query = $this->base_query($sql); $this->query->setFetchMode($this->fetchAction); return $this->query; } /** *get mode action */ private static function getMode($get_style){ switch($get_style) { case null: self::$get_mode = PDO::CASE_NATURAL; break; case true: self::$get_mode = PDO::CASE_UPPER; break; case false; self::$get_mode= PDO::CASE_LOWER; break; } return self::$get_mode; } /** *fetch value action */ private static function fetchAction($fetchAction) { switch($fetchAction) { case "assoc": self::$get_fetch_action = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC; //asso array break; case "num": self::$get_fetch_action = PDO::FETCH_NUM; //num array break; case "object": self::$get_fetch_action = PDO::FETCH_OBJ; //object array break; case "both": self::$get_fetch_action = PDO::FETCH_BOTH; //assoc array and num array break; default: self::$get_fetch_action = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC; break; } return self::$get_fetch_action; } /** *get total num action */ public function rowCount($sql) { $this->result = $this->base_query($sql); $this->num = $this->result->rowCount(); return $this->num; } /* *simple query and easy query action */ public function query($table, $column = "*",$condition = array(), $group = "",$order = "", $having = "", $startSet = "",$endSet = "",$fetchAction = "assoc",$params = null){ $sql = "select ".$column." from `".$table."` "; if ($condition != null) { foreach($condition as $key=>$value) { $where .= "$key = '$value' and "; } $sql .= "where $where"; $sql .= "1 = 1 "; } if ($group != "") { $sql .= "group by ".$group." "; } if ($order != "") { $sql .= " order by ".$order." "; } if ($having != "") { $sql .= "having '$having' "; } if ($startSet != "" && $endSet != "" && is_numeric($endSet) && is_numeric($startSet)) { $sql .= "limit $startSet,$endSet"; } $this->result = $this->getValueBySelfCreateSql($sql, $fetchAction, $params); return $this->result; } /** *execute delete update insert and so on action */ public function exec($sql) { $this->result = $this->pdo->exec($sql); $substr = substr($sql, 0 ,6); if ($this->result) { return $this->successful($substr); } else { return $this->fail($substr); } } /** *prepare action */ public function prepare($sql) { $this->prepare = $this->pdo->prepare($sql); $this->setChars(); $this->prepare->execute(); while($this->rowz = $this->prepare->fetch()) { return $this->row; } } /** *USE transaction */ public function transaction($sql) { $this->begin(); $this->result = $this->pdo->exec($sql); if ($this->result) { $this->commit(); } else { $this->rollback(); } } /** *start transaction */ private function begin() { $this->beginTransaction = $this->pdo->beginTransaction(); return $this->beginTransaction; } /** *commit transaction */ private function commit() { $this->commit = $this->pdo->commit(); return $this->commit; } /** *rollback transaction */ private function rollback() { $this->rollback = $this->pdo->rollback(); return $this->rollback; } /** *base query */ private function base_query($sql) { $this->setChars(); $this->query = $this->pdo->query($sql); return $this->query; } /** *set chars */ private function setChars() { $this->char = $this->pdo->query("SET NAMES 'UTF8'"); return $this->char; } /** *process sucessful action */ private function successful($params){ return "The ".$params." action is successful"; } /** *process fail action */ private function fail($params){ return "The ".$params." action is fail"; } /** *process exception action */ private function setExceptionError($getMessage, $getLine ,$getFile) { echo "Error message is ".$getMessage."<br /> The Error in ".$getLine." line <br /> This file dir on ".$getFile; exit(); } }
本文向大家介绍php基于单例模式封装mysql类完整实例,包括了php基于单例模式封装mysql类完整实例的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例讲述了php基于单例模式封装mysql类。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 类: 测试: 更多关于PHP相关内容感兴趣的读者可查看本站专题:《php+mysql数据库操作入门教程》、《PHP基本语法入门教程》、《PHP运算与运算符用法总结》、《
本文向大家介绍php mysql 封装类实例代码,包括了php mysql 封装类实例代码的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 废话不多说了,具体代码如下所示: 以上所述是小编给大家介绍的php mysql 封装类实例代码,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问欢迎给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的,在此也非常感谢大家对呐喊教程网站的支持!
本文向大家介绍PHP封装的PDO数据库操作类实例,包括了PHP封装的PDO数据库操作类实例的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例讲述了PHP封装的PDO数据库操作类。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 更多关于PHP相关内容感兴趣的读者可查看本站专题:《PHP基于pdo操作数据库技巧总结》、《php+Oracle数据库程序设计技巧总结》、《PHP+MongoDB数据库操作技巧大全》、《p
本文向大家介绍PHP基于单例模式实现的mysql类,包括了PHP基于单例模式实现的mysql类的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例讲述了PHP基于单例模式实现的mysql类。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 更多关于PHP数据库操作相关内容感兴趣的读者可查看本站专题:《php+mysql数据库操作入门教程》、《PHP基于pdo操作数据库技巧总结》及《php常见数据库操作技巧汇总》 希
本文向大家介绍Django实现基于类的分页功能,包括了Django实现基于类的分页功能的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 开发个人博客时往往避免不了分页功能的实现,实现方法大体上分为函数和类两种。本文基于类实现分页功能,以下是详细代码: 通过修改per_page、max_page控制每页展示的文章数和分页模块展示的最大页码数。 实现思路:创建page类对象,传入参数为page_num(当前页
本文向大家介绍php基于SQLite实现的分页功能示例,包括了php基于SQLite实现的分页功能示例的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 本文实例讲述了php基于SQLite实现的分页功能。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 这里操作数据库文件使用的是前面文章《PHP基于PDO实现的SQLite操作类【包含增删改查及事务等操作】》中的SQLite数据库操作类。废话不说,直接上代码: 更多关于P